
Happy St. Paddy's Day

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While I haven’t posted in a little while (I’ve been so busy at work that at night I’ve just wanted to chill combined with the fact that I am still trying to figure out what to say about the Hampton Phish show on 3/6 and how to say it), I could not resist honoring today’s holiday by posting the video below:

I’ve heard that today is the one day of the year when everyone wishes they were Irish. I’m not sure if that is truly the case – it might just be because they wish it was socially acceptable for them to be in a bar by 11 AM on a Tuesday. Was that too stereotypical? Not if I look across the street at Puck Fair



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One SNL bit that I find consistently funny is the “Really?!?” segment that Seth Meyers does from time to time on the Weekend Update portion of the show. When Amy Poehler was still in the scene, they partnered for a very funny one concerning Rod Blagojevich and while Seth is no Dennis Miller, he thankfully isn’t Colin Quinn either.
Seth Meyers has been growing on me as the “Weekend Update” anchor and part of it is his dead-on “Really?!?” bits. The best one by far was the one he did on Michael Phelps. When talking about how Kellogs is outraged by Phelph’s marijuana use, he says in retort “Every one of your [Kellogs] products sounds like a wish a Genie granted at a Phish concert.”
Check out the entire clip below and prepare to laugh:

I am super happy that Hulu is now around because I can post a clip like this and be fairly confident that years later it will still be there – unlike a lot of YouTube videos I post to this blog which “disappear” over time…


I Frakkin Love BSG

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First off, when creating anything on the computer you should always hit “save.” I wrote this entry yesterday and somehow never saved it so about 750 words went down the intertubes. Doh.
Second, if you Dear Reader are my friend on FB, you should be used to reading status updates that mention how much I frakkin love the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series. It’s not just a television show: it’s special, it’s art.
I am quite overjoyed that some serious art is being made for the Sci-Fi genre. If you did not know, I have always been a fan of science fiction.
Star Wars is still my all-time favorite movie and I fondly recall my Grandfather’s exasperated tone when, planning to take me to the movies, he asked me why I needed to see “Return of the Jedi” again instead of something new.
I have read all of Asimov’s Foundation novels and could recite his Three Laws of Robotics long before Will Smith popularized them and have read many, many, many more sci-fi novels – way too many to list out here. I should note though that I did use a quote from Stranger in a Strange Land in the “Goodbye from the Editor-in-Chief” column I wrote in “The Vanguard” (my high school newspaper) when I graduated. The quote? “Age doesn’t bring wisdom, only perspective” – Jubal Harshaw.
During my youth, I spent many, many Saturday evenings at home babysitting my sister and, after I put her to bed, watching back-to-back-to-back episodes of classic Star Trek – commercial free (thanks to Cap’s Comic Cavalcade) on Scranton Wilkes Barre’s PBS station (which I got through LI Cablevision at odd times – I still have no clue why).
Something about the USS Enterprise’s five year mission “to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before” just grabbed my imagination and never let it go. I loved the promise of the show and the themes that were much larger than the episodes that contained them. For instance, I learned tolerance towards my fellow man and to never wear a red shirt. At the end of “Wrath of Khan,” when Spock, dying of radiation poisoning, palms the blast proof glass and says to Kirk “I have been and always shall be your friend, Jim” I seriously almost tear up – every time without fail. I’m a Trekkie – it’s true.
Sam Miller is also a Trekkie and on Mental Floss he compares Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica and has some very keen insights about the differences between the two shows. He writes,

“Battlestar Galactica presents a problem for me and my Star Trek-fan friends. Why do we love it so much? We call each other up after each new episode and ramble in nervous high-pitched voices, batting back and forth theories and questions and “OH MY GOD” moments… all the while feeling vaguely guilty that no Star Trek clash with the Borg or tampering with the time-space continuum ever engaged and obsessed and haunted us to such a profound extent.
Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica have wildly different aesthetics and ideologies, and both aspire to very different goals. Fundamentally, it boils down to this:
Star Trek is about who we want to be, and Battlestar Galactica is about who we are.

That is a great way of putting it and the rest of the post echoes many of my thoughts. If you like BSG, I suggest you read it.
Via Neu


Oh My Singlet!

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If you are the type of person who thinks that John Fogerty is singing “There’s a bathroom on right” instead of “There’s a bad moon on the rise” then you might think that Beyonce is singing “Oh my Singlet” instead of “All my Single Ladies” in her new hit song “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).”
The video for this song features Beyonce and two others dancing in leotards Bob Fosse style. It also has been mocked, first on SNL and then by legions of others, and I find the spoofs hysterical (the original that it being mocked is pretty good too). I’ve been on the lookout for SNL clip for about two weeks now – its not on Hulu and its not on YouTube but it is on Andy Samberg’s site (duh).
Enjoy the clip below and then just try to get this song out of your head. Its been stuck in my head for two weeks now.

If you are a fan of Samberg and his digital shorts, you might alsol love the most recent golden short “Jizz in my Pants”.
Happy Friday.
Via Sara


Yo Joe!

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2009 is shaping up to known as “Year of the Joe” as there will be a new animated series titled GI Joe: Resolute, a full length live action blockbuster movie titled GI Joe: Rise of Cobra and a new Hasbro toy line of GI Joe figures. Sweet. I have kept my VCR in large part so I can watch the tapes I have of the 80’s cartoon (I have the first 100 episodes and the Cobra-La movie on seven tapes that I bought off of eBay about a decade ago). Yes, I love GI Joe that much.
Regarding the cartoon, esteemed comic writer Warren Ellis is penning the script for the new Joe series which will all of one hour long – there will be 10 five minute episodes and one 10 minute concluding episode of this dark adult themed “Ghost in the Shell” inspired cartoon. The bootleg trailer of Snake Eyes slicing open Cobra Soldiers is pretty bad ass but no one knows yet if it will be released as webisodes, TV episodes or straight to DVD and I frankly do not care.
Regarding the movie, while the fanboy universe is currently panning it, I have to say that the Snake Eyes costume looks, to reuse a phrase, pretty bad ass and I’m keeping my finders crossed. The Wikipedia entry reports that the film is an origin story set 10 years in the future, showing the rise of the Cobra Organization. The director Stephen Sommers said, “For people who know nothing about it, it’ll make sense. And to people who love this stuff, it’ll show where they all came from.”
Know you know all about the cool Joe stuff coming and remember, as Duke, Flint, Lady Jay and others always said, “Knowing is half the battle” The other half I suppose is actually watching these goodies when they debut.


Little O'Reilly Tells It Like It Is

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Please do not watch the clip below while drinking a hot beverage or while operating heavy machinery:

Best line? “Go drive your electric cars into the ocean. I hope you hit a whale on your way to France.”
If this kid wasn’t so like Bill-O, it wouldn’t be half as funny…


Rebooting The Muppets

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I try to read the NYT to my daughter each weekend. It’s extremely important for a child, not matter how old, to be read to and damn if “Goodnight Moon” doesn’t get boring the 50th time around.
One article I read today was about how Disney is finally trying to reboot the Muppet franchise and that I say “Its damn about time!” All sorts of things are being done, from having Miss Piggy tape “Desperate Housepig” sketches which will be included on Desperate Housewives DVDs to having Kermit the Frog interview athletes on ESPN. Of course, filming and releasing new skits to YouTube is in the mix – we are living in the 21st Century after all and that is the “low hanging fruit” of any new marketing initiative, right?
While I didn’t know if they would be Classic Muppet Show good or Muppets in Space bad, I was pleasantly surprised by them. So was the Muppet Central site which had this to say about the new videos:

“These shorts left me tickled. Not just because I was passingly amused, but because they give me a glimmer of optimism for a franchise I’d given up on years ago. In their ephemeral way, these shorts drill down to the same substance that’s on display in all those old Muppet Show clips: musical sketch comedy, well sung and absurdly executed.”

Don’t believe me? Check out the four new ones below and (hopefully) enjoy. As election day is getting close, I’m especially enamored with the first one. Said Sam to a young Scrooge in “A Muppet Christmas Carol:”
Sam the Eagle: Oh, you will love business. It is the American way.
Gonzo: Uh, Sam?
Sam the Eagle: Oh. It is the British way!
Stars and Stripes Forever:

Ode to Joy:


Classical Chicken:



An Advertisement About Nothing

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To my amusement and delight, one of my favorite comedians Mr. Jerry Seinfeld has filmed a number of Microsoft ads with Mr. Microsoft himself Bill Gates which are perfectly Seinfeldian. The first takes place at the mall where Jerry spots Bill buying shoes. The second takes place at a residential home where Bill and Jerry have moved in with a random “normal” family.
As PC World writes, the ads are “all just stuff to make you react. Whether you chuckle, guffaw, scoff or spew, you’re doing something — and that’s ultimately the point of the ads about nothing.”
They are funny to watch and almost like a traffic accident – though I may not want to look, I simply cannot not look. Plus, seeing Bill do “the robot” is quite enjoyable, though English striker Peter Crouch does the robot much, much better.
Over time, the ads are supposed to get more and more “specific” about Microsoft products and service. When that happens, who knows if I will feel the same way about Jerry shilling for MSFT. For now, I will just simply enjoy Jerry swapping George Costanza’s companionship with yet another major icon’s as he goes through the banal moments of life.
First he hung with Superman. Now he’s hanging with the richest man in the world. Sounds pretty fun to me.

Shoe Circus:

New Family:


O'Reilly interviews Obama

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Bill O’Reilly, everyone’s favorite person to either love or hate, recently interviewed Barack Obama and the interview is posted in four parts on the Fox News site.
I’ve been debating my brother-in-law for the past two weeks on the merits of Obama’s platform versus McCain’s platform and it was interesting to watch this exchange because Bill was asking many of the same questions that my BIL did. I find the way that Barack answered O’Reilly enlightening.
Part 1 is about security and the wars we are fighting. Part 2 is about the economy. Part 3 is about his dubious connections to people like Reverend Wright. Part 4 is about drilling.
Overall, I think Barack did a fine job answering Blowhard O’Reilly. Check it out yourself.