
Current Web Usage Stats

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I use the Internet every day. I even managed to do so while on vacation in Hawaii using my T-Mobile data driven Blackberry Pearl so I’m curious if more people are like me or if I’m the minority when it comes to web usage. Therefore, I was happy to hear that Avenue A | Razorfish surveyed 475 consumers across “all demographics” in July and that they made available their findings. I think they show the usual divide between what the loud techno-elite minority cares about, as compared to the quiet mass-consumer majority is still in effect. It also shows which parts of the web are catching on faster than others. Take a look:
Overall Stats

  • Only 60% personalize home pages
  • 47% never share bookmarks
  • 44% never use RSS feeds
  • 65% never use tag clouds
  • Almost all read the “most popular” or “most emailed” items on sites

That being said, here are specific stats about a number of different categories and whether they are “big” or not.
Video: Big

  • 67% regularly watch videos on YouTube, etc.
  • 95% have watched online videos in the last 3 months.
  • 49% have uploaded online videos in the last 3 months [shockingly high–almost makes us discount all findings, or at least conclude that this is a highly web-literate and young consumer sub-set].
  • 85% have watched online movie previews in last 3 months.
  • 71% have watched a TV show online in the last 3 months [more than we would have thought].

Online Music, Photos, Blogs: Pretty Big

  • 42% regularly purchase music online
  • 41% use photo-sharing sites
  • 70% read blogs regularly

Online research when making product selection decisions: HUGE

  • 92%+ use the web when making product buying decisions (research, reviews, retailer location, price comparison, etc.)
  • 54% start their product research at a search engine
  • 14% start it at a comparison shopping engine
  • 30% start it at an e-commerce or retailer site
  • 55% rely on USER REVIEWS most when choosing products
  • 21% rely on EXPERT REVIEWS most.
  • After product selected, most important criteria when choosing where to buy are PRICE (38%) and SITE REPUTATION (38%)

Mobile data services: Small

  • 68% never use mobile phone to listen to music
  • 76% never use mobile phone to watch video.
  • 64% never use mobile phone to check headlines.

Via Silicon Valley Insider


NYC Transit Stats

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I learned 2 very interesting stats during the recent transit strike. The NYC mass transit system moves 7 million people a day. To put that number into perspective, it is greater than:

  1. The total populations of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana and Wyoming combined.
  2. The total populations of Los Angeles and Chicago combined.

In strike related news, I’ve been on a biking kick lately as I biked to work on Tuesday and Thursday due to the strike. Then, yesterday I rode to work because, well, I was used to it. This morning, when the weather was nice, I biked again in Central Park. I love biking and had not been out for a spin in a long time before this strike nonsense. I guess the strike was a good motivator.


2000 Election Numbers

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Here are some interesting numbers about the 2000 election courtesy of
Official Bush margin in Florida: 537 votes
Gore margin in New Mexico: 365 votes
Margin of victory in IA, NH, OR and WI: Fewer than 8,000 votes in each
Eligible 18-24 year olds who didn’t vote: 15.2 million
Total eligible voters who didn’t vote: 56.8 million
Based on the campaign so far, 2004’s results might be even closer than the resutls in 2000. It’s scary that the margin might be that small…