30 Millions Americans Can Be Considered "Working Poor"
Posted onThe term “working poor” should be an oxymoron. If you work full time, you should not be poor, right? Unfortunately, more than 30 million Americans — one in four workers — are stuck in jobs that do not pay the basics for a decent life. Read that again. One in four – g-d damn! Then again, when the minimum wage hasn’t moved above $5.15 an hour since 1997, what do you expect..
A new POV special on PBS titled “Waging a Living” chronicles the day-to-day battles of four low-wage earners fighting to lift their families out of poverty. Its on PBS tonight at 10 PM. If you missed it, or can’t TiFaux it in time, I’m sure like other great PBS programming you’ll be able to watch it online. When I hear a hard working mother say, “I was brought up to believe in the “American Dream” that if you work hard you’ll be successful. I’ve worked hard my whole life and I’m still stuck. There’s no “American Dream” anymore.” I just want to cry.