
The Reasonist Party

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My friend and fellow “reasonist’ Mr. Neu sent me a depressing link today. I’ve known for a while that Pat Roberson is a nut but yesterday Pat had David Horowitz, a right-wing writer, on his Christian Broadcast Network new show. Keep in mind that Pat’s TV network is one that most of America doesn’t watch but that a lot of God fearing voters do watch. Keep in mind that half of Americans do not vote – obviously the “Rock the Vote” and “Vote or Die” campaigns just aren’t working – so you really need to pay attention to the ones that do in order to properly gauge the nation’s pulse.
Part of what depressed me was how the show featured paranoid ravings about MoveOn.org, the Center for American Progress, America Votes and the “shadowy group” Media Matters and how they are forming their own party as part of a George Soros plan “to take over the political structure of the United States.” While doing so, it repeated a baseless slur that Soros, a Hungarian-born Jew, collaborated with the Nazis as a 14-year-old boy. It was a sickening and sad display, and anchored by a smiling preacher who is worth between $200 million and $1 billion dollars. Say Hallaluyah!
Maybe Horowitz was attacking Media Matters because this moderate group showed how his recent book on these groups titled Shadow Party had “doctored quotes, shoddy scholarship, factual errors, and baseless insinuations on matters both small and large.” I know he is scared by MoveOn.org and CAP most likely because these moderate, centrist, “third way” organizations all advocate reason and restraint, not hysteria and fear. If you go point by point through the groups he trashed, you see how they are on the side of reason and moderacy – virtues and not sins in my book.
What really made me feel down in the dumps is that this sort of thing airs every day in the good old U S of A. This poison is being fed and happily swallowed by millions of voting Americans. I cannot stress enough how voting maters because as the Middle East has shown, democracies can be perverted by religious fundamentalism if those leaders win elections. Hamas was elected by the Palestinians because their secular leaders, the PA, were letting them down. One cannot deny the strong link because the fundamentalist movement and conservative Republicans. Rick Santorium, one of the most radically fundamentalist Republicans around, is one of only a hundred Senators in the entire country. He is one of only two Sentors from the great state of Pennsylvania. He is also believes that homosexuality is the same as if not worse than bestiality and he probably watches his good buddy Pat all day long whenever he can.
I bring all of these points up because I think the time is right to start a new poitical movement called the Reasonist movement to counteract the nutso religious fundamentalism that is running rampant in America. Our slogan is “We make good sense.” We will advocate for laws that make good fiscal and moral sense, for policies, both foreign and domestic, that make good fiscal and moral sense. We won’t shout down the shouting opposition’s lies. We will simply wait out their yelling and bluster the way a parent endures a child’s temper tamtrum and then will logically respond with facts that simply make sense. I am a rational philosopher – instead of hysteria I prefer reason. The more extreme our nation becomes, the more I will take the middle road of reason. At the lead up to the 2004 election, I was solidly blue and very anti red but I don’t want to make a Blue State thing. Barak Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention said it best – to paraphrase, we are all basically purple – both red and blue. To that end, I want to reframe the entire discussion and create a third way: a way of reason. Who’s with me?


George Allen: American Idiot

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I just love it when Sen. George Allen (R – VA), calls the Indian gentleman who is following him around on the campaign trail a “macaca,” which is a form of monkey, and tells him “Welcome to America.” First off, as he’s in the Senate, can’t he at least be able figure out the difference between an Indian and a black guy? If you are going to make a racial slur, make it the right one and call him a turban head or something witty like that. Second, Mr. S. R. Sidarth is an American citizen, born and raised in Virginia, who goes to UVA so he was welcomed to America a long time ago by the doctor who delivered him. Not only that, he’s a potential voter! Who cares if he is trailing him because he works for the Webb campaign (Jim Webb is his Democratic opponent). If he was crafty enough, he’d be able to win his vote.

FYI, I just contributed $10 to Jim Webb, George Allen’s opponent, who I really hope wins (and not just because he’s a Democrat but because his opponent is a racist idiot).


What One Senator Thinks About Net Neutrality

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Sen. Ted Steven’s (R – Alaska) comments on the issue of net neutrality might be old news to some but they are still very funny and post worthy. For those that don’t know, this sage Senator, who is charge of the committee that will decide the future of the Net as we know it, said that “The Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It’s not a big truck. It’s, it’s a series of tube.” Lovely. Watch Jon Stewart and crew rip him a new one. Happy Friday!


Animal House Summit Op-Ed

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I don’t love Maureen Dowd’s columns – sometimes they are just too cutsy and snarky for me. That being said, she had a great piece today on W and how he’s just never changed from the frat boy that he is at heart. A lot of people thought that when he became president he would “grow up” but that never happened. Here is a snipit:

The open-microphone incident at the G-8 lunch in St. Petersburg on Monday illustrated once more that W. never made any effort to adapt. The president has enshrined his immaturity and insularity, turning every environment he inhabits — no matter how decorous or serious — into a comfortable frat house.
No matter what the trappings or the ceremonies require of the leader of the free world, he brings the same DKE bearing and cadences, the same insouciance and smart-alecky attitude, the same simplistic approach — swearing, swaggering, talking to Tony Blair with his mouth full of buttered roll, and giving a startled Angela Merkel an impromptu shoulder rub. He can make even a global summit meeting seem like a kegger.

Feel free to read the full article after the jump.
Animal House Summit

Reporters who covered W.’s 2000 campaign often wondered whether the Bush scion would give up acting the fool if he got to be the king.
Would he stop playing peekaboo with his pre-meal moist towels during airplane interviews? Would he quit scrunching up his face and wiggling his eyebrows at memorial services? Would he replace levity and inanity with gravity?
“In many regards, the Bush I knew did not seem to be built for what lay ahead,’’ wrote Frank Bruni, the Times writer who covered W.’s ascent, in his book “Ambling Into History.” “The Bush I knew was part scamp and part bumbler, a timeless fraternity boy and heedless cutup, a weekday gym rat and weekend napster, an adult with an inner child that often brimmed to the surface or burst through.”
The open-microphone incident at the G-8 lunch in St. Petersburg on Monday illustrated once more that W. never made any effort to adapt. The president has enshrined his immaturity and insularity, turning every environment he inhabits — no matter how decorous or serious — into a comfortable frat house.
No matter what the trappings or the ceremonies require of the leader of the free world, he brings the same DKE bearing and cadences, the same insouciance and smart-alecky attitude, the same simplistic approach — swearing, swaggering, talking to Tony Blair with his mouth full of buttered roll, and giving a startled Angela Merkel an impromptu shoulder rub. He can make even a global summit meeting seem like a kegger.
Catching W. off-guard, the really weird thing is his sense of victimization. He’s strangely resentful about the actual core of his job. Even after the debacles of Iraq and Katrina, he continues to treat the presidency as a colossal interference with his desire to mountain bike and clear brush.
In snippets of overheard conversation, Mr. Bush says he has not bothered to prepare any closing remarks and grouses about having to listen to other world leaders talk too long. What did he think being president was about?
The world may be blowing up, and the president may have a rare opportunity to jaw-jaw about bang-bang with his peers, but that pales in comparison with his burning desire to return to his feather pillow and gym back at the White House.
“Gotta go home,’’ he tells the guy next to him. “Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get on the airplane and go home.” A White House spokesman said Mr. Bush had nothing on his schedule after he returned to Washington on Monday about 4 p.m.
When he began meandering about how big Russia was, you expected him to yell, “Yo, Condi!’’ and ask his secretary of state: “Hey, what’s the name of that other big country that has more people than any other country in the world? It begins with a ‘C.’ Dad spent some time there.’’
Perhaps it’s that anti-patrician chip on his shoulder, his rebellion against a family that prized manners and diplomacy above all. But when bored or frustrated, W. reserves the right to be boorish — no matter if the setting is a gilded palace or a Texas gorge.
He treated Tony “As It Were” Blair like the servant in “The Remains of the Day,’’ blowing off his offer to help with the Israel-Lebanon crisis, and changing the subject from substance to fluff at one point, noting about his 60th-birthday Burberry gift: “Thanks for the sweater. Awfully thoughtful of you.’’ Then he razzed the British prime minister, who was hovering and wheedling like an abused wife: “I know you picked it out yourself.”
After doing his best to undermine the U.N. and Kofi Annan, W. talked about the secretary general like a fraternity pledge he wanted to send out for more beer or a keg of Diet Coke: “I felt like telling Kofi to get on the phone with Assad and make something happen.’’
His loosey-goosey confidence that everything could be fixed with a phone call — and not even a phone call made by him, and not even a phone call made to the Iranians, who have more control over Hezbollah — was striking. He seems to have no clue that his own headlong, heedless actions in the Middle East have contributed to the deepening chaos there, and to Iran’s growing influence and America’s diminished leverage.
Mr. Bush may resent the sophistication required of a president. But when the world is going to hell, he should stop chewing and start thinking.


Israel With a "War" on Two Fronts

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Israel is now fighting the Lebanese in the north and Palestinians in the south. I am very worried that it will attack Syria too very shortly and with America right next door in Iraq, who knows how ugly this is going to get. I’m glad my friend Mendy got back from Israel last night – I fear for and am very concerned about Yisroel right now.


Hillary's Minimum Wage Bill

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I’ve been on vacation but now I’m back. I just sent the following note to the junior Senator from NY:
Dear Senator Clinton:
I’m outraged that Congress has given itself $31,600 in raises in the past nine yearswhile those earning the minimum wage haven’t seen a single increase. I’m sick of Congress leaving working families behind while passing tax breaks for the richest Americans.
It’s time to get Republicans in Congress moving on raising the minimum wage. That’s why I strongly support your bill that ties any more raises for Congress to raises in the minimum wage.
Jeff Lipson
She introduced a bill that would make sure Congress doesn’t get another raise in their own pay until those making the minimum wage get a raise too. Who knows, maybe someone in NYC will be able to make enough in one hour to not only buy a beer but leave a tip.
If you support this bill, go here and make your voice heard.


We Are Losing The War On Terror

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An article in today’s Detroit News details a study that simply states that the United States is losing its fight against terrorism and the Iraq war is the biggest reason why.
Before you start complaining about who exactly was intereviewed for this study, of the experts queried, 45 identified themselves as liberals, 40 said they were moderates and 31 called themselves conservatives. The pollsters then weighted the responses so that the percentage results reflected one-third participation by each group. So, it was a fair. Not Fox fair but really fair.
Asked whether the United States is “winning the war on terror,” 84 percent said no and 13 percent answered yes. Asked whether the war in Iraq is helping or hurting the global anti-terrorism campaign, 87 percent answered that it was undermining those efforts. A similar number, 86 percent, said the world is becoming “more dangerous for the United States and the American people.”
Lovely. Nothing I didn’t know but still. 2500 dead Americans and climbing with no end in sight. Just lovely.


An Inconvient Truth

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An Inconvient Truth opens this coming Friday, 5/26 and I for one cannot wait to see it, even though it may very well be “the most terrifying film you will ever see” as its producers claim. Wired and other media outlets have written alot lately about how Al Gore, freed from politics, is focusing all of his energies on facing the looming environmental disaster the globe is facing (he is the narrator of this documentary). The movie is supposed to be awe-inspiring, damning, scary, eye opening and whole bunch of other adjectives. I have pledged to not only see this movie (the site has a counter which tracks pledges) but to bring 3 others with me. In a sense, environmentalists are treating this the same way that Christians treated “The Passion of the Christ” and I for one think that its a good move as this movie’s message needs to be spread to as many people as possible.
Check out the trailer below and please, for our planet’s sake and for the sake of our children, grand children and all future generations, go and see this film. In 5 years, Kilimanjaro will no longer have an snow and Hemingway’s masterpiece becomes a true anachronism. He might as well called it “Hanging with the Dodo.” Truly Scary shit.


America the Corrupt Part II

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The Center for American Progress said it better than I could:
CIA Executive Director Kyle “Dusty” Foggo “announced his resignation in an e-mail message to agency staff” yesterday, leading to further speculation that the recent CIA upheaval is “linked to the broadening bribe probe centered on disgraced former California GOP Congressman Randall ‘Duke’ Cunningham.” Foggo’s connections to Cunningham-linked defense contractors Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade are the focus of an investigation by the CIA inspector general, first made public in March; yesterday, the Washington Post revealed that the FBI is also investigating contracts negotiated under Foggo. (One of Brent Wilkes’ companies, Archer Logistics, won a large contract to provide supplies to CIA agents in Afghanistan and Iraq despite having “no previous experience with such work, having been founded a few months before the contract was granted.”)
Meanwhile, an “authoritative senior FBI official” told Congressional Quarterly that resigning CIA Director Porter Goss has not yet been interviewed by the FBI. “We’re not at his door yet…not at his doorstep.” Foggo is also the highest-ranking CIA official to admit he attended the controversial poker parties thrown by Wilkes where prostitutes were sometimes present. (Foggo even “occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia,” though he denies ever seeing prostitutes at the gatherings.) Over the weekend, Newsweek magazine revealed the identity of another former CIA official — previously known only as “Nine Fingers” — who reportedly attended the poker parties. The official, Brant Bassett, was the staff director of the House Intelligence Committee while Porter Goss was committee chairman.
Something smells and it isn’t the stench from the neighborhoods in N.O. that still haven’t been cleared…


America the Corrupt

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Today, Porter Goss, the head of the CIA, resigned suddently or abruptly quit (depending on how you view it) for no apparant reason. News sources are saying it might be because his role and importance have been diminished in the post 9/11 restructuring (as now the head of the CIA answers to the National Intelligence Director – currently John D. Negroponte) or because people who were going to resign at the end of Bush’s term were encouraged to do so now as part of the big “shakeup” that the WS is currently undergoing.
I call “bullshit” and instead would like to point everyone to the Center for American Progress’s report from yesterday titled “Sex, Lies and Government Contracts. It talked about how Congressman Duke Cunningham’s record 2.4 million dollars in bribes and his resulting 8 year prison sentence may be the mere tip of the iceberg in terms of Washington corruption. It also mentioned a Harper’s magazine report that said that “under intense scrutiny by the FBI are current and former lawmakers on Defense and Intelligence committees — including one person who now holds a powerful intelligence post.” The C for AP says that “CIA Director Porter Goss is perhaps the only individual who fits such a description.” And now he’s gone today? Something smells rotten to me.