
New Map of America post-2004 Election

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While this map might not make it into the Rand McNally atlas, it maybe should. I’m sort of surprised today about how I’m not as angry as I thought I’d be. I’ve almost, dare I say it, moved to the acceptance stage of grief. I think the answer to my lack of anger today is religion, namely my religion.

I’m Jewish, therefore I’m used to ALWAYS being in the minority. I asked my father at 12:37 AM on Wednesday morning, “Why do I always have to be in the minority? I mean, i know I’m Jewish so being a minority is sort of baked into my existence but look at that map [red state/blue state] – there is almost no blue on it! It is seriously depressing. Its like the entire U.S. is against us.” His response was, “Smart people will always be in the minority. It’s a fact of life that you need to deal with.”

Unfortunately, as this election was one between those who chose illusion over reality, I think he’s right….

Thanks to Kevin Moeller [via Erik Neu] for providing the map


Election 2004: Gore Vidal's take on it BEFORE it happened

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I’m not sure who MC is in the exchange before but GV is Gore Vidal. It would be scary if the election was still coming up but now that we know we are going to suffer through another 4 years of GWB, its downright frightening. Read below:

MC: Speaking of elections, is George W. Bush going to be re-elected next year?

GV: No. At least if there is a fair election, an election that is not electronic. That would be dangerous. We don’t want an election without a paper trail. The makers of the voting machines say no one can look inside of them, because they would reveal trade secrets. What secrets? Isn’t their job to count votes? Or do they get secret messages from Mars? Is the cure for cancer inside the machines? I mean, come on. And all three owners of the companies who make these machines are donors to the Bush administration. Is this not corruption? So Bush will probably win if the country is covered with these balloting machines. He can’t lose.

MC: But Gore, aren’t you still enough of a believer in the democratic instincts of ordinary people to think that, in the end, those sorts of conspiracies eventually fall apart?

GV: Oh no! I find they only get stronger, more entrenched. Who would have thought that Harry Truman’s plans to militarize America would have come as far as we are today? All the money we have wasted on the military, while our schools are nowhere. There is no health care; we know the litany. We get nothing back for our taxes. I wouldn’t have thought that would have lasted the last 50 years, which I lived through. But it did last.

GV: But getting back to Bush. If we use old-fashioned paper ballots and have them counted in the precinct where they are cast, he will be swept from office. He’s made every error you can. He’s wrecked the economy. Unemployment is up. People can’t find jobs. Poverty is up. It’s a total mess. How does he make such a mess? Well, he is plainly very stupid. But the people around him are not. They want to stay in power.

MC: You paint a very dark picture of the current administration and of the American political system in general. But at a deeper, more societal level, isn’t there still a democratic underpinning?

GV: No. There are some memories of what we once were. There are still a few old people around who remember the New Deal, which was the last time we had a government that showed some interest in the welfare of the American people. Now we have governments, in the last 20 to 30 years, that care only about the welfare of the rich.

MC: Is Bush the worst president we’ve ever had?

GV: Well, nobody has ever wrecked the Bill of Rights as he has. Other presidents have dodged around it, but no president before this one has so put the Bill of Rights at risk. No one has proposed preemptive war before. And two countries in a row that have done no harm to us have been bombed.

MC: How do you think the current war in Iraq is going to play out?

GV: I think we will go down the tubes right with it. With each action Bush ever more enrages the Muslims. And there are a billion of them. And sooner or later they will have a Saladin who will pull them together, and they will come after us. And it won’t be pretty.

Thanks Phyllis!


Confirmed: We Pay More In Taxes to Get Less from the Gov’t

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From the NY Times today:

Region Gets Less Federal Money for Taxes Paid, a Study Finds

By Ronald Smothers

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. Oct. 28 – If the tristate region seceded and established itself as a separate country, it would replace the United States as the second-wealthiest nation in the world behind Luxembourg in terms of per capita income, according to a new study by Rutgers University.

Given their wealth and the nation’s progressive tax system, taxpayers in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey pay a disproportionately high share of the nation’s federal income and employment taxes, the study found. Those states rank 49th, 40th and 50th, respectively, in the amount of federal aid they receive per tax dollar, according to the study.

With 10.8 percent of the nation’s population, the tristate region had 13.1 percent of the nation’s personal income in 2003, and was responsible for 15.8 percent of the income and employment taxes collected by the federal government.

In New Jersey, the gap between what was sent to Washington in tax dollars and what came back to the state in federal assistance was $26 billion, an amount greater than the state’s 2003-2004 budget. New Mexico, on the other hand, got $2.08 in aid for every dollar of federal income tax its residents paid.

James Hughes, dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and principal author of the study, said the figures underscore the responsibility that comes with affluence in a system of progressive taxation.

“To the degree that the money is going for valid public policy purposes, it is fine,” he said. “But if it goes for subsidies and unfair tax breaks for cowboy capitalists in other states, then it is not fair.”

The study,”Tri-State Affluence: Losing by Winning,” was the first, Mr. Hughes said, to view the three states as a group in analyzing the return they get for federal tax dollars. Similar studies for New York were done in the 1970’s as the city grappled with a fiscal crisis and sought a rationale for increased federal aid.

Joseph Seneca, a faculty member at the school and a co-author of the study, said the region has been the nation’s richest since the 19th century, and had “reinvented itself” as manufacturing declined to become a hub for service and financial businesses, which boomed in the 1990’s.

In the study, Connecticut ranked first in per capita income in 2003 at $43,173, New Jersey second at $40,427 and New York fifth at $36,574. The national average is $31,632.

In terms of median household income, New Jersey led the nation with $58,588 annually, 34 percent above the national average. Connecticut ranked third with $56,803, while New York was 17th with $46,195.

The study found that those higher incomes were not consistently spread throughout each state, but concentrated in a “wealth belt” made up of eight counties, including Manhattan, whose greater concentration of wealthy individuals outpaced all of the other counties in the nation in per capita income at $84,591.

The higher incomes were concentrated in Fairfield County in Connecticut; Somerset, Hunterdon, Morris and Bergen Counties in New Jersey; and Manhattan and Nassau and Westchester Counties in New York.

The wealthier areas of all three states were disproportionately dependent on the high salaries of the financial sector, said Mr. Hughes, and consequently were more sensitive to the volatile boom and bust cycles in the stock market. One consequence, he said, was that soaring tax receipts in the 1990’s during the economic boom financed an expansion of government functions that became “embedded” in state spending.

With the downturn in the economy and the stock market in particular between 2000 and 2003, this level of spending became harder to sustain.


I am the Ostrich

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I’ve basically been depressed by the upcoming election and the incredible Yankee debacle that I witnessed last week so I haven’t been posting. I’m still catching up on the sleep I missed by watching all of those 9 hour baseball games and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that Boston is up 2 – 0 in the World Series. I’m also trying to wrap my head around the idea that GWB might actually win again and that about 50% of the country actually likes him and/or his job performance well enough to vote for him again. As Madeline Albright said on the Daily Show last night, “Voting for him legitimizes what happened in 2000.”The latest news from Reuters puts GWB up by 3 points. What the fuck gives? Seriously, I’m acting like the current administration because I have just stopped reading my usual news sources and have buried my head in the proverbial sand because I just don’t like anything that the newspapers are publishing. Not to say that I’m turning into a GWB myself, I will pay attention to reality again soon, I’m just waiting for election night and for the World Series to end. God helps us on November 3rd if Boston has won the World Series and GWB is our president for another 4 years. I might just take off from work for the rest of the week and drink Jim Beam all…day…long…


NeuCom: The Not-So-Daily Show

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From Neu:

Crossfire had Jon Stewart on last week while his TDS was running re-runs for the week. They expected him to come on the show and add some comic relief while plugging “America (The Book). Boy did they get more than they bargained for.

Of course, as a result, the blogs of the world are on fire criticizing him as a hidden leftist (insert “commie pinko” if you so desire) who disguises himself as a centrist / apolitical comedian. This is because it was Tucker Carlson (from the right) that took most of his flak. However, if you really watch it, Stewart is indicting neither the left not right, but (rightfully so) the media for just being so damn stupid.

It kept coming back to “do shows like crossfire asks the tough questions,” but I think the point Stewart was trying to make was that, regardless of the questions asked, no one presses on the answers anymore. The hard question can be asked but when it is skirted or responded to with campaign talking point fluff no one ever presses the guest / spinner (see also Chris Matthew’s grilling of Republican S. Carolin Senate candidate Jim DeMint this Sunday – here is someone who actually WON’T let the squirmer off the hook. Too bad it’s just the S.C. Senate race and a rare moment). In all honesty, Sterwart looked a bit haggard, which is probably why he was off his game, but also why he was so brutally pissed and honest to begin with that we get this golden TV moment.

Highlights include when Jon Stewart tells Tucker Carlson that he won’t “be his monkey” and when he calls Carlson a dick on live TV.

Thanks to Stewart for another shining moment of public service, and I am sorry he is getting skewered for taking off the satire suit for a moment and making a real point on the state of affairs in the modern American political machine. I am also sorry that the most lucid popular voice in American politics has a lead-in show where puppets make prank phone calls.

The link

I was also lucky enough to see Jon Stewart’s follow-up on TDS last night (now that they are back), although I did not at the time have any idea what he was referring to. He was pretty brutal there as well, and I am trying to find a link.


The Promise of the First Amendment

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A very important legal motion was made last week. A NY Times reporter was ordered sent to prison in contempt of court because she would not give up a source. This case, and the story behind it, has been in the news for quite some time. The short of it is that Bob Novak outed a CIA agent and the government is trying to find who was at fault. This makes sense – people might have died because of this lapse in judgement and it is 100% against the law to divulge this type of national security secret. However, the manner in which the government goes about finding who was at fault in interesting as well. Here is the Op-Ed response to this legal judgement, from the publisher of the NY Times himself:

The Promise of the First Amendment

By ARTHUR OCHS SULZBERGER JR., chairman and publisher, and RUSSELL T. LEWIS, chief executive, The New York Times

Last Thursday, a federal district judge ordered a New York Times reporter, Judy Miller, sent to prison. Her crime was doing her job as the founders of this nation intended. Here’s what happened and why it should concern you.

On July 6, 2003, Joseph C. Wilson IV – formerly a career foreign service officer, a charge d’affaires in Baghdad and an ambassador – wrote an article published on this page under the headline, “What I Didn’t Find in Africa.” The article served to undercut the Bush administration’s claims surrounding Saddam Hussein’s nuclear capacity.

Eight days later, Robert Novak, a syndicated columnist, wrote an article in which he identified Ambassador Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, as an “operative on weapons of mass destruction” for the C.I.A. “Two senior administration officials told me,” Mr. Novak wrote, that it was Ms. Plame who “suggested sending Wilson” to investigate claims that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium ore from Niger. After Mr. Novak’s report, several other journalists wrote stories in which they said they received similar information about Ms. Plame from confidential government sources, in what many have concluded was an effort to punish Mr. Wilson for speaking out against the administration by exposing his wife as a C.I.A. operative. The record is clear, however, that Judy Miller is not one of those journalists who reported this information.

Because the government officials who revealed Valerie Plame’s status as a C.I.A. operative to the press might have committed a crime in doing so, the Justice Department opened a federal criminal investigation to find whoever was responsible.

During the course of this investigation, the details of which have been kept secret, several journalists have been subpoenaed to provide information about the source of the leak and threatened with jail if they failed to comply.

On Aug. 12, Ms. Miller received a subpoena in which she was required to provide information about conversations she might have had with a government official in which the identity and C.I.A. connection of Mr. Wilson’s wife might have been mentioned. She received this subpoena even though she had never published anything concerning Mr. Wilson or his wife. This is not the only recent case in which the government has subpoenaed information concerning Ms. Miller’s sources. On July 12, the same prosecutor sought to have Ms. Miller and another Times correspondent, Philip Shenon, identify another source. Curiously, this separate investigation concerns articles on Islamic charities and their possible financial support for terrorism that were published nearly three years ago. As part of this effort to uncover the reporters’ confidential sources, the prosecutor has gone to the phone company to obtain records of their phone calls.

So, unless an appeals court reverses last week’s contempt conviction, Judy Miller will soon be sent to prison. And, if the government succeeds in obtaining the phone records of Ms. Miller and Mr. Shenon, many of their sources – even those having nothing to do with these two government investigations – will become known.

Why does all of this matter? The possibility of being forced to leave one’s family and sent to jail simply for doing your job is an appalling prospect for any journalist – indeed, any citizen. But as concerned as we are with our colleague’s loss of liberty, there are even bigger issues at stake for us all.

The press simply cannot perform its intended role if its sources of information – particularly information about the government – are cut off. Yes, the press is far from perfect. We are human and make mistakes. But, the authors of our Constitution and its First Amendment understood all of that and for good reason prescribed that journalists should function as a “fourth estate.” As Justice Potter Stewart put it, the primary purpose of the constitutional guarantee of a free press was “to create a fourth institution outside the government as an additional check on the three official branches.”
The founders of our democracy understood that our government was also a human institution that was capable of mistakes and misdeeds. That is why they constructed a First Amendment that would give the press the ability to investigate problems in the official branches of our government and make them known to the public. In this way, the press was sensibly put in a position to help hold government accountable to its citizens.

An essential tool that the press must have if it is to perform its job is the ability to gather and receive information in confidence from those who would face reprisals for bringing important information about our government into the light of day for all of us to examine. Without an enforceable promise of confidentiality, sources would quickly dry up and the press would be left largely with only official government pronouncements to report.

A quarter of a century ago, a New York Times reporter, Myron Farber, was ordered to jail, also for doing his job and refusing to give up confidential information. He served 40 days in a New Jersey prison cell. In response to this injustice, the New Jersey Legislature strengthened its “shield law,” which recognizes and serves to protect a journalist’s need to protect sources and information. Although the federal government has no shield law, the vast majority of states, as well as the District of Columbia, have by now put in place legal protections for reporters. While many of these laws are regarded as providing an “absolute privilege” for journalists, others set out a strict test that the government must meet before it can have a reporter thrown into jail. Perhaps it is a function of the age we live in or perhaps it is something more insidious, but the incidence of reporters being threatened with jail by the federal government is on the rise.

To reverse this trend, to give meaning to the guarantees of the First Amendment and to thereby strengthen our democracy, it is now time for Congress to follow the lead of the states and enact a federal shield law for journalists. Without one, reporters like Judy Miller may be imprisoned. More important, the public will be in the dark about the actions of its elected and appointed government officials. That is not what our nation’s founders had in mind.


Underfunding Leave No Child Behind

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The Bush Administration has passed legislation called the Leave No Child Behind Act which creates federal standards on education policy and results. While good in name, it is in fact leaving more children behind than before it was passed because it has been incredibly and woefully underfunded. Standards are in place that most states of no hope of living up to. Money that was promised has not and almost will not appear. Here is a run-down of what the NY tri-state area didn’t get and what the 3 “crucial” swing states didn’t get:


New York did not get $966 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $664 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $73 million for critical after-school programs, and $24 million to raise teacher quality.

New Jersey did not get $209 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $122 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $15 million for critical after-school programs, and $7 million to raise teacher quality.

Connecticut did not get $80 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $47 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $6 million for critical after-school programs, and $3 million to raise teacher quality.


Florida did not get $500 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $313 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $35 million for critical after-school programs, and $17 million to raise teacher quality.

Ohio did not get $310 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $196 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $23 million for critical after-school programs, and $12 million to raise teacher quality.

Pennsylvania did not get $337 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $217 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $25 million for critical after-school programs, and $12 million to raise teacher quality.

Thanks go to the Committee on Education and the Workforce for providing the stats.


Daily Show Debate Quote

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Said Rob Corddrey of the Daily Show, in response to an assertion that Senator Kerry had little chance against the hard working man of people President Bush:

“If I may John, that is a bit of a stretch. The Bush people would like to remind you that he held his own against the smartest man in the history of the world. This is an amazing accomplishment for a president who, the Bush team points out, by some standardized test results is technically retarded. John, as RNC chairman Ed Gilllespie told me before we came on air, ‘This is a president who was nearly killed by a pretzel.'”