While I haven’t posted in a little while (I’ve been so busy at work that at night I’ve just wanted to chill combined with the fact that I am still trying to figure out what to say about the Hampton Phish show on 3/6 and how to say it), I could not resist honoring today’s holiday by posting the video below:
I’ve heard that today is the one day of the year when everyone wishes they were Irish. I’m not sure if that is truly the case – it might just be because they wish it was socially acceptable for them to be in a bar by 11 AM on a Tuesday. Was that too stereotypical? Not if I look across the street at Puck Fair…
I try to read the NYT to my daughter each weekend. It’s extremely important for a child, not matter how old, to be read to and damn if “Goodnight Moon” doesn’t get boring the 50th time around.
One article I read today was about how Disney is finally trying to reboot the Muppet franchise and that I say “Its damn about time!” All sorts of things are being done, from having Miss Piggy tape “Desperate Housepig” sketches which will be included on Desperate Housewives DVDs to having Kermit the Frog interview athletes on ESPN. Of course, filming and releasing new skits to YouTube is in the mix – we are living in the 21st Century after all and that is the “low hanging fruit” of any new marketing initiative, right?
While I didn’t know if they would be Classic Muppet Show good or Muppets in Space bad, I was pleasantly surprised by them. So was the Muppet Central site which had this to say about the new videos:
“These shorts left me tickled. Not just because I was passingly amused, but because they give me a glimmer of optimism for a franchise I’d given up on years ago. In their ephemeral way, these shorts drill down to the same substance that’s on display in all those old Muppet Show clips: musical sketch comedy, well sung and absurdly executed.”
Don’t believe me? Check out the four new ones below and (hopefully) enjoy. As election day is getting close, I’m especially enamored with the first one. Said Sam to a young Scrooge in “A Muppet Christmas Carol:”
Sam the Eagle: Oh, you will love business. It is the American way.
Gonzo: Uh, Sam?
Sam the Eagle: Oh. It is the British way!
Stars and Stripes Forever:
I love Robot Chicken and saw the clip below last night for the first time. I was laughing out loud then and was still laughing today when I told some co-workers about it. After they watched, they could not understand why I found this funny. In fact, the words used were “one of the unfunniest Robot Chicken clips of all time.” Strong words.
How about you decide if its funny and let me know via posting a comment – I’m curious.
To start off, ever since video sites started to provide embed code that makes it super easy for someone to add video to their site, I have been adding video left and right to my site. I hope it has improved things at WGTCTIP2 – I think it has…
In keeping with my trend of adding video, the little video of Kermit singing “Hurt” by NIN (one of my favorite NIN songs) below is pretty damn funny. It’s not “ha ha” funny but if Johnny Cash can sing it (he did so on his ‘American IV’ album) why not Kermit? Unlike J-Cash, he curses! Johnny changed “crown of shit” to “crown of thorns” but Kermie had no problem dropping the S bomb which makes the entire video worth viewing. The person who does Kermie’s voice is okay – not great – but good enough.
Like many people, I am in love with many classic Muppet songs. Tunes like “Letter B” (sung to the tune of “Let it Be”) and the entire Sesame Street “Signs” album pull at my heart strings. Some of these songs are such catchy little ditties you just can never forget them.
One such song that cannot be forgotten is “Manamana.” I used to only think of this song when I heard about my family that lives in or my friend who grew up in Manallapan (do doooo doo doo doo), New Jersey. Now though I’m humming it every day as my company is working on a project for a medication named Rimonabant which, when mentioned in any meeting, makes everyone hum that damn Muppet song. Its pretty funny to listen to someone say that they have a client call about Rimonabant and before she can say what time, she is drowned out by massive amounts of humming. In honor of this daily dose of childish fun that I’m having at my employer, I thought I would post the song so it can get stuck in your head too. Enjoy!