
John Stewart To Host 2006 Oscars

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It is a fantastic idea to have John Stewart host the Academy Awards. He has a sharp wit, has a great team of writers, is fast on feet and easily skewers those in power. Who better to spend 5 hours of television with? To me, the Awards are a cross between the entertainment super bowl and a car accident: I cannot not watch. I even bet on who will win each category. For anyone on the fence about this decision, just tune into the Daily Show. Read the full article here.

Via Jessie and Monty


Quote of the Day

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”It’s so interesting to me that people talk about late-night comedy being cynical. ‘What’s more cynical than forming an ideological news network like Fox and calling it ‘fair and balanced’? What we do, I almost think, is adorable in its idealism. It’s quaint.”
– Jon Stewart, on his program “The Daily Show.”


Newsweek’s Interview with John Stewart

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This was in the October 18th, 2004 edition of Newsweek:

NW: Thanks for taking the time. I know you’re busy these days.

JS: I’m just sitting here playing minsweeper

NW: I don’t kow if you read the reviews –

JS: I can’t read. I did the book phonetically.

NW: Anyway, The New York Times suggested that perhaps your book should be nominated for a history Pulitzer.

JS: Hmm. Is that a cash prize?

NW: What’s your political leaning? I heard your nickname is Lefty.

JS: Lefty? I didn’t realize that. That’s actually a testicular condition. I do write left-handed.

NW: Do you find it hard to be light-hearted sometimes?

JS: Absolutely. Many days start with a soul-crushing analysis of the state of the world. Then the entire digestive process of the show is to try and turn whimpers into laughter.

NS: How do you see the election shaping up?

JS: Any pundit asked what’s going to happen should answer the same way: “I have no fucking idea.” They don’t, you don’t I don’t.

NS: From a purely comic perspective, do you want four more years of Bush.

JS: From a purely comic perspective, you’d want Mr. T to be president. That would be truly fun. But no, I don’t cheer for the demise and erosion of the world purely for my own professional standing. I can write jokes about anything.