Too Many Holiday Movies 2008
Posted onComing five months after my “Too Many Summer Movies 2008” post, I am providing a list of the 12 movies that are being released in theatres before the end of the year that I hope to see. For the summer, I originally wanted to see 20 and thus far I’ve seen six (seeing a movie when you have a kid under one is t-o-u-g-h) but a few of the 20 are no longer on my list – for instance, Speed Racer and The Love Guru will only be watched if I’m on a plane and without a book or if I’m in some other pseudo-desperate state – so I’m hitting a respectable .333. If I was playing in MLB, that would earn me a few million dollars.
I’ve enjoyed my summer post as it has helped keep me focused regarding the movies I eventually watch. It also has helped me keep my Netflix queue up-to-date. So, why not start a trend and post quarterly the movies that I want to see. It doesn’t hurt that the NYT produces a special quarterly “This is what is coming to a theatre near you” section which means I basically circle what I want to see and then post it here.
So, without further ado, here are the 12 flicks I hope to view: The Changling, Rocknrolla, Zack and Mimi Make a Porno, Role Models, Quantum of Solace, Austrailia, Che, The Day The Earth Stood Still, What Doesn’t Kill You, The Wrestler, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Spirit. If there are more, I’ll post them and once I see what I see, I’ll post an update with a mini-review as well.
UPDATE: The Wrestler made me cry. Seriously. ‘Nuff said.