Sing Baby Sing!
Posted onOkay, this clip of Shane karaoking almost broke my ears but it also really made me smile, in a painfully funny way. Be prepared.
Via Jessie
Okay, this clip of Shane karaoking almost broke my ears but it also really made me smile, in a painfully funny way. Be prepared.
Via Jessie
Watching this YouTube “Evolution of Dance” clip is a fantastic way to get a smile on your face. It’s 6 minutes long and totally worth it – damn this white boy can move!
Via Chris
For a few weeks now, I’ve wanted to post video clips to my site like others have (Chris, etc) but thought I needed a plug-in. Silly me. Turns out there is object code at the bottom of each video clip page, at least on YouTube, and I just never happened to scroll before. I am an idiot.
It makes me think of my favorite Snickers commercial, the one where a mascot at a Sea World type water park answers questions about “what time the next watershow is it” standing next to a sign that answers that very question. I’m going to try and find that clip and post it – I’m sure its on some ad lovers site.
Anywho, Mr. Colbert has been getting lots of press about his recent roast of Le Prez and I thought that posting the first part would be a great way of taking this blog to the next level:
In related news, here is an NY Times article about the Blogosphere’s reaction to this occurance.
David Copperfield was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night but “despite being possessed of a large amount of cash, the illusionist showed nothing but empty pockets to armed gunmen who targeted him and two female companions Sunday night in West Palm Beach, Florida, police said.”
What would have been even better is if he made the robbers disappear a la the Statue of Liberty. You can’t make this stuff up. You just can’t…
This game featured one of the all-time classic NY sports moments – the famous Bill Buckner error (though everyone seems to forget that 3 singles and a wild pitch proceeded that momentous event). To pay homage to it, somebody reenacted the bottom of the 10th inning of the 1986 World Series using the classic NES game “RBI Baseball.” Now, its not just the players and the action that was recreated. Oh no, that would be too easy. Also included is Vin Scully’s audio perfectly syncronized to the action on the field, I mean in the game, which makes this simply fantastic. I have no idea how much time this took but I sincerely thank San Diego Serenade making this bit of sports nut/nerd art.
UPDATED on 4/17: Yahoo! Sports today had a great article about the RBI Baseball re-creation that Conor Lastowka, aka San Diego Serenade, put together. It just goes to show that WGTCTIP2 is truly ahead of the Mainstream Media (MSM) curve.
Via Monty
“Too Much Information” is a commonly used acronym now. I’m not sure when I first started hearing it but it has definitely soaked into the culturesphere. “She is getting a brazilian? Um, TMI.” MSNBC today writes about how certain online profiles are chock full of TMI violations. Not necessarily a bad thing but they could be, especially if you are a hot 14 year old girl.
Last November, I flew out to LA for the weekend so that my dog Bingham could play with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s dog Jelly. Oh yeah, the human folk wanted to get together too. On Saturday night, Jessie, Amos, Ro and I were joined by Jaime and Michael, great friends of ours from NYC who had oddly enough planned a 7 day Cali vacation that started in LA at the same time we were there. So, before they left that smog filled city of sin to drive up the coast to hilly San Fran, we all went out to eat at Au Bar, a trendy spot off of the Sunset Strip.
Our waiter was named David and seemed like the most likable of fellows. Look how happy he looks below in a pic he took with us:
We all were in high spirits and decided to play a game where we tried to guess his age and where he was from. We were all totally wrong (he was 24 and from Kansas and we thought he was older and from either New Hampshire, Virginia, Michigan or Arizona). We were all right about why he was in Cali though: he was trying to break into the acting biz. He was in a really good mood that night becaues it was actually his last night. He informed us that he had earned a role in “Bobby”, a new movie about the RFK assassination, and was leaving his job as a waiter to concentrate on his part. It was a huge break for him as the movie is being produced and directed by Emilio Estevez and the cast is full of heavyweights: Anthony Hopkins, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Elijah Wood, Harry Belafonte, Emilio Estevez, Helen Hunt, Joshua Jackson, Shia LaBeouf, Lindsay Lohan, William H. Macy, Martin Sheen and Christian Slater to name a few. He seemed to be really excited, kind of humbled and a wee bit nervous about his first foray as an actor.
The following is a transcript of our exchange (transcribed almost verbatim) after he dropped his bit of news on us:
Jeff: What role are you playing?
David: Sirhan Sirhan.
Jeff: Ha ha ha. That’s funny.
David takes orders from the others at the table.
(Jeff to Jessie: I wonder what he is really playing?)
(Jessie to Jeff: He already said.)
(Jeff to Jessie: Are you serious? I thought he was joking…)
Jeff: You are seriously Sirhan Sirhan?
David: Yes.
Jeff: You kill Kennedy?
David: Yes.
Jeff: Really?
David: Yes.
Jeff: Come on. You kill Kennedy?
David: Yes.
Jeff: You seem way too nice…
David: Nope, I do it.
Jeff: You kill Kennedy dressed as a waiter…
David: Yes.
Jeff: …and you are our waiter.
David: Yes.
Jeff: You kill Kennedy in a kitchen…
David: Yes
Jeff: … a the kitchen is right there (me pointing towards the nearby kitchen).
David: Yes.
Jeff: You kill Kennedy in California…
David: Yes.
Jeff: …and we are in California.
David: Yes.
Jeff: Hmmm. Are you good shot?
David: I need to practice for the part.
Jeff: Oh, good. That’s funny. Hey, are you on IMBD?
David: No, not yet. It’s funny that you ask. I check almost constantly but its probably going to be a while, only the big names are listed right now because they were in a Variety article about the movie a little while back.
Jeff: Well, when you get on IMDB, I’m going to post about this evening on my blog, I’ll link to your profile and I’ll send you an email about it. It’ll be your first bit of press.
David: Cool! Thanks!
Jeff: You’re welcome. I’ll also have another vodka tonic.
David: Sounds good.
The rest of the evening went along swimmingly. The food was good, the company was great and we all had a blast hanging out. Now, a little less than 5 months later, it seems that David has finally made it into the Internet Movie Database.
David: I hope this counts as the first article written about your burgeoning acting career. Good luck, I can’t wait to see the movie and if I don’t absolutely love it, please don’t shoot me. I’m sure its someone else’s fault…
Photo courtesy of Jaime and Michael
This collection of Superheroes on the Toilet really made me smile. I wish I was Superman, especially on certain mornings.
Via Adrienne
This Indian kid can name Pi to over 8700 places. Insane! Happy Friday!
SCI FI Channel is currently conducting the first-ever nationwide search for America’s most talented new psychic. Eight finalists will be selected by a panel of experts to compete on SCI FI’s new original reality series The Gift, slated to premiere this summer.
First of all, I can’t wait to see what these experts look like. Second and more important, if you are a psychic, then how do you not know you won already? I would love to see 8 people besieging the producer saying “Of course I won! I’m psychic! Dismiss these pretenders immediately!”
Via Monty