

Posted on

After being fearful about America’s future in space, I thought “why not relax and watch a funny movie?” My sister crashed in my apartment the other night and brought knowledge of a great video with her. It’s pretty dumb and funny, sort of like a cross between Right Said Fred and RuPaul.

Via Amy


The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire!

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I normally do not do this but it’s short and sweet so I’m lifting a paragraph verbatim from amNY:
“A blaze caused an estimated $50,000 of damage at an unlikely location yesterday morning – the headquarters of the East Meadow Fire Department. The fire started around 4:30 a.m., Fire Chief Christopher Sala said. It took about 100 firefighters half an hour to get it under control.”
You can’t make this stuff up…
Via amNY


It Came Fron New Jersey

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A horrible smell best described as “gassy” invaded NYC yesterday. It concerned many, closed buildings and forced a PATH station to evacuate. It was actually so bad and people were so freaked out that Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference to say basically, “everything is fine – its not terrorism – go about your business.”
After much investigation, a marsh around Bayonne is being blamed and the news outlets are having a field day with their headlines. NY1’s “Who Dealt it?” is one of my favorites. In case you were wondering, Bayonne is in the “Garden State,” aka New Jersey. It seems that NJ smells so bad these days that it can’t even contain itself anymore, – sort of how I felt in while on vacation after eating Israeli salad, cabbage and choumous at every meal of the day…



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Like many people, I am in love with many classic Muppet songs. Tunes like “Letter B” (sung to the tune of “Let it Be”) and the entire Sesame Street “Signs” album pull at my heart strings. Some of these songs are such catchy little ditties you just can never forget them.
One such song that cannot be forgotten is “Manamana.” I used to only think of this song when I heard about my family that lives in or my friend who grew up in Manallapan (do doooo doo doo doo), New Jersey. Now though I’m humming it every day as my company is working on a project for a medication named Rimonabant which, when mentioned in any meeting, makes everyone hum that damn Muppet song. Its pretty funny to listen to someone say that they have a client call about Rimonabant and before she can say what time, she is drowned out by massive amounts of humming. In honor of this daily dose of childish fun that I’m having at my employer, I thought I would post the song so it can get stuck in your head too. Enjoy!

Via Lee


Yiddish Quiz

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Following up on my previous post title, I bring to you straight from my in-box and courtsey of my Aunt a pop Yiddish quiz. Phyl, I know you are going to love this one!
1) Which one of these people might best be described as “zoftig?”
A) Callista Flockhart
B) Lara Flynn Boyle
C) Kirstie Alley
D) Woody Allen
2) You’re driving around in eckveldt (the boondocks) and have no idea where you are. You are:
A) farblunget
B) farklempt
C) fartoost
D) farshvitzed
3) You found it! The Holy Grail! A $2000 designer dress for just $39.95!
You’ve found a:
A) mechaiyeh
B) mishpucheh
C) machashafer
D) metziah
4) Which one of these people has a “ferbisseneh punim?”
A) Michael Jackson
B) Leona Helmsley
C) Barbara Walters
D) Julia Roberts
5) He eats like a pig and wipes his face with the back of his hand. He farts and picks his nose at the dinner table. He curses like a drunken sailor.
He’s a real:
A) shnorror
B) gonif
C) grubber yung
D) mensch
6) Which of these is NOT a body part?
A) poulkie
B) potchki
C) pupik
D) punim
7) Which of these is NOT an insult:
A) shana maydel
B) shmegeggie
C) shmendrik
D) shlub
8) You’ve gone to a wild party where you’ve been downing vodka jello shots like candy. You can barely stand up anymore, and you’ve made a fool of yourself in front of everyone you know. You are totally, completely:
A) fershtayst
B) farblunget
C) ferchadded
D) fershikert
9) Which of these things would you never find at a kosher restaurant?
A) shmaltz
B) luckshen kugel
C) treyf
D) kasha varnishkes
10) Of these various uses of “kishka”, which one is incorrect?
A) “Yes, waiter. I’ll have the roast chicken with a side order of kishka.”
B) “That Yetta, she’s such a piece of kishka!”
C) “After twenty years of keeping secrets, he finally went to a shrink and spilled my kishkas.”
D) “If anyone ever tried to mug me, boy, I’d give him such a chamalyiah in the kishkas!”
Answers are after the jump
Answers to Quiz:
Question 1 =C~ Kirstie Alley
Question 2 = A~ farblunget
Question 3 = D~ metziah
Question 4 = B~ Leona Helmsley
Question 5 = C~ grubber yung
Question 6 = B~ potchki
Question 7 = A~ shana maydel
Question 8 = D~ fershikert
Question 9 = C~ treyf
Question 10 = B~ “That Yetta, she’s such a piece of kishka!”



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Emmitt Smith, who once ran roughshod over 300 lb linemen in the bruising NFL, won the “Dancing with the Stars” competition last night which wouldn’t be so horrible except that he looked like this:


Emmitt – how could you?


Email of the Day

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I logged into my school email this morning and saw a note with “Work-life balance workshop – Canceled” as the subject line so I just had to open it. It read:

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, I am going to cancel the work-life balance workshop for next weekend. Given the end of semester work load, it was too difficult for enough people to make a Saturday session. Thanks again to everyone who expressed interest!

All the best,
Ellen (name has been changed)

Everyone is too busy for the work-life balance workshop. I wish I was making this up…
Via Zicklin School of Business Webmail


Borat: See It If You Are Smart

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I saw “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” last night and urge everyone to see it, that is if you have a great sense of humor and are intelligent enough to understand the heapings of irony and wrongness that you are served. I honestly haven’t laughed that hard at a movie in a really long time. I also just saw that his Kazak web site is back live as well which is interesting considering I thought that the Kazak government had banned it. Lastly, I wonder how Borat will feel about this Jew praising his film. Maybe he’ll throw money at me to try and make me leave…