
Ali & Andy

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The clip below is of an interview Ali G conducted, or tried to conduct, with Andy Rooney. Like all of Ali G’s interviews, the subject gets pissed but this time it is because of Ali G’s poor language skills. For instance, Ali says “does you think” and then Andy corrects him saying, “it’s do you think.” Overall they get into quite a tiff about it which leads Andy to say at one point, “The english language is very clear. I have 50 books on the english language is you want to borrow one.”
For anyone who has ever corrected someone else’s grammer, please watch and enjoy.

Via Pere


"I Love You More Than…"

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Sarah Silverman is one of the hottest comics around right now. Some people love her. Some hate her. I’m on the fence – sometimes I think she’s great and other times I think she is just being offensive for no reason (which I know is part of her charm and her style of humor – I just don’t love it). The video for her song “I Love You More Than…” below though is decently funny, but its there is one part I just love because I feel the same way: “Jewish people driving German cars. Jewish people driving German cars. Jewy people buying German cars. What the cock is that shit?”
Check it out:

Via Chris


Malaria Awareness Can Be Fun!

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If you don’t think that this post’s headline can be true, check out the video below. President George Bush gets seriously down tackling this serious issue at the White House lawn yesterday. Give the man some credit – he’s got to know people like me are just going to post a video of his routine to their blogs and he still got down and boogied. All of you wallflowers take note. Laura doesn’t want to be involved but sees George dancing so she has to get into the groove. I love how she gives him the universal “I’m so embarrassed/amused by this man at the same time” look that all women display from time to time.


Sad Kermit

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To start off, ever since video sites started to provide embed code that makes it super easy for someone to add video to their site, I have been adding video left and right to my site. I hope it has improved things at WGTCTIP2 – I think it has…
In keeping with my trend of adding video, the little video of Kermit singing “Hurt” by NIN (one of my favorite NIN songs) below is pretty damn funny. It’s not “ha ha” funny but if Johnny Cash can sing it (he did so on his ‘American IV’ album) why not Kermit? Unlike J-Cash, he curses! Johnny changed “crown of shit” to “crown of thorns” but Kermie had no problem dropping the S bomb which makes the entire video worth viewing. The person who does Kermie’s voice is okay – not great – but good enough.

Via Phyll


The Snuke

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Every time I see a funny South Park episode, I ask myself “why aren’t I taping this show?” Well, this past Wednesday night I watched a new episode titled “The Snuke” which confirmed that this show is still one of if not the funniest shows on tv, period. I laughed so hard it was hurting, my wife was crying and I now am recording every episode. 1104.gif.jpg
I won’t ruin the episode by providing any details. Just go rent it – buy it – tape it – do whatever you need to do, just see it. I think “The Snuke” should be in their all-time Top 10, along with the recent WoW take-off & the first Towlie episode.

I Want To Pinch

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I’m going out to eat at Pinch in NYC tomorrow and the name got me laughing as I remembered a humorous series of Honda Element ads. They starred Gil the Crab who wanted to pinch everything in sight – who doesn’t – and if you know what I’m talking about you are probably laughing already. Of course I went to YouTube and collected and posted them for you. Watch and enjoy.
Video #1:

Video #2:

Video #3: (never aired)


Goons: Indoor Lax Style

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Below is a passage verbatim from a Village Voice article on the new Indoor Lacrosse League and the local team the New York Titans (who split their home games between Madison Square Garden and Nassau Coliseum). It makes me remember the days when a wok lid was a Frisbee, when making holes in walls was deemed a questionably okay pastime by some other than me, and when being asked, “What percentage of freak – goon – creature – dork are you?” was the start of a normal conversation. So, without further ado, here is the article:
Village Voice:
As in the NHL, indoor lacrosse teams usually have a “goon” – hockey players prefer to be called “enforcers,” but NLL defenders don’t get to be so picky – who’ll fight opposing players when necessary in order to protect their more talented teeammates and fire up the crowd. The best offensive players aren’t supposed to fight, because their team can’t afford to have them get injured or land in the penalty box, but for those same reasons, opposing teams are constantly trying to provoke Boyle and Powell. “You’ll get gooned up, but you have to keep your composure,” said Boyle, which led to the following conversation:
Boyle: You hope that your goon comes in and messes with their goon, and they goon each other out.
Powell: And you hope your goon is tougher than their goon. Or you will get gooned.
Boyle: Right, exactly. Because otherwise their goon’s gonna beat up your goon, and then that goon’s just going to keep beating the hell out of you.
Powell: Gooning.