
Cute Guns

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When a frequent reader sent me a link to a Hello Kitty Assault Rifle yesterday, I knew immediately I had to post it. Its just so damn cute:


The gun comes from a site called GlamGuns which is full of ridiculous guns, like the gun above and one called “My Little Carbine.” Lovely.
Before you start to get too freaked out about the next school shooting happening in a pre-K class, if you read the fine print, you’ll see “NOTE: This site is a parody for humor purposes only. No actual weapons may be bought on this site.” Furthermore, if you try to buy a gun, you’ll get sent to Amazon where you can buy a book called A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth-Century Art Form whose premise is that “parody is a genre fundamental to 20th century art forms.” The author’s intro states, “Parody is not a new phenomenon by any means, but its ubiquity in all the arts of this century has seemed to me to necessitate a reconsideration of both its nature and its function.”
Via Dave


Window CE + ME + NT = VISTA

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For those who have a few minutes for a geeky laugh, check out the video below. My favorite part of “Vista Sucks” is when the announcer says, “From the company that taught you to turn off the computer by clicking the start button.” Enjoy.
2013 UPDATE: the video mentioned above has been removed due to a copyright issue – a photo used in it is actually a rights managed photo and I’ve taken the video down per a request from Getty Images.


Be Obsequious, Purple, and Clairvoyant

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I read the word “ubiquity” in a presentation today and immediately “be obsequious, purple, and clairvoyant” popped into my mind. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, its a line from The Grandmother’s Song by Steve Martin. I love it – it starts off quite simple and then gets progressively weirder and funnier each stanza – but its best hearing it for yourself. It’s on his “Let’s Get Small” album which is terribly funny from start to finish. Try not to laugh when listening to it. I dare you.


Social Network Built For Two

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If you have not heard of Ze Frank, well, you haven’t been paying attention to the blogosphere because he is one of the most “famous” bloggers out there. Frank won a 2002 Webby Award for Best Personal Websit, in 2005, he was featured in Time Magazine’s “50 Coolest Websites” and Frank spoke at the TED Conference in 2004 and 2005.
While I know of him, I never check out his site. That being said, someone today sent me a little ditty he wrote and produced titled Social Network for Two which is just catchy, techie and nerdy enough for me to post. Happy Friday!


La la Land At Its Finest

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I saw this in Brentwood, CA by a Peet’s Coffee Shop (which is actually where Mezzaluna, where Nicole Brown Simpson dined before OJ, I mean someone, killed her, used to reside) this past weekend:
If you’ve got over $100K for a Lamborghini, one would think you also have enough money to get another car on which to affix your bike rack. Ridiculous.


Paper Waste

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I read about AT&T’s titanically large iPhone bills on Slashdot two weeks ago and now this story has made its way to the NYT. Long story short, they are ginormous (now an official word according to Merriam-Webster) because AT&T’s billing system is totally dumb. I probably wouldn’t have even written about this except for the fact that the image below is too damn cute not to post:

For instance, a video blogger, also known as the worst person in the world to get something like this, received instead of an envelope a box which contained a 300-page, double-sided, excruciatingly well itemized bill. To quote the man whose dog is shown above, “It’s nonsense,” said Mike Brophy, 34, who owns a software company near Seattle and posted an item about his 64-page bill on his blog. “Ninety-five percent of the bill is just page after page of 1K data transfers, all with a charge of zero.”
Save the environment. Don’t get an iPhone, or don’t get one before AT&T figures out how to send a smaller bill.


Damn Yankees: Onion Sports Style

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The Onion’s Sport Section has a great (and very true, at least for the past decade) little ditty about my beloved Bronx Bombers this week. To wet your appetite, I have provided the first 2 paragraphs (slightly edited for length):

Moments after the NY Yankees pulled within a once unfathomable four games of the first-place Red Sox…stunned and enraged baseball fans across America took a moment to shake their heads in disbelief and curse dejectedly at the relentless inevitability of Yankee glory.
“Fucking Yankees,” said Marshfield, MA resident and longtime Red Sox fan Lawrence Broberg, echoing the sentiments of thousands of men and woman across the nation. “Every year. Every goddamn year.”

Read the full and unedited article ether after the jump or at the Onion.
Fucking Yankees, Reports Nation
August 16, 2007 | Onion Sports
BOSTON — Moments after the New York Yankees continued a month-long stretch that has seen them climb from the bottom of the AL East to pull within a once unfathomable four games of the first-place Red Sox by defeating the Baltimore Orioles Monday night, stunned and enraged baseball fans across America took a moment to shake their heads in disbelief and curse dejectedly at the relentless inevitability of Yankee glory.
“Fucking Yankees,” said Marshfield, MA resident and longtime Red Sox fan Lawrence Broberg, echoing the sentiments of thousands of men and woman across the nation. “Every year. Every goddamn year.”
The Yankees, coming off a decisive three-game sweep of the Central-leading Indians, have won nine out of their last 10 games, catapulting them to the top of the wild-card standings, restoring the team’s infuriating confidence, and instilling a sinking sense of impending misery among all non-Yankee fans.
“It’s like they can’t lose,” said Connecticut resident Gerry DiCenzo, who could only watch helplessly as the Yankees overcame a late Orioles rally to win their fourth straight. “They literally cannot lose. Suddenly no one can beat the Yankees. The Red Sox suck. The Orioles suck. Everyone sucks. Everyone suddenly sucks when they play the Yankees.”
“Unbelievable,” DiCenzo added. “Un-fucking-believable.”
Sparked by the recent returns of phenom starter Phil Hughes and slugger Jason Giambi, the Yankees have their full roster healthy and together for the first time since April, which fans around the world have solemnly realized is perfect timing for the stretch run.
“It seems like every time the [sports] ticker comes up, they’re winning 10-1,” said Chicago resident Jeremy Killian. “You knew this was going to happen. You knew. Right when they got Clemens back, you fucking knew.”
“Every time,” Killian continued. “Every time with this fucking team. It’s the same damn thing every time. You just, they never go away. You can’t give them an inch. You cannot give them one inch.”
“And Jeter…” Killian added, watching as the Yankee shortstop drove home the winning run in the bottom of the ninth with a softly tapped ball that barely dribbled past the pitcher’s mound. “Fucking Jeter.”
As the Yankees remain hot in August, the team continues to rely on GM Brian Cashman’s strategy of stockpiling cheap, young pitching and assembling a group of talented role players to surround the team’s superstars. In recent weeks, rookie reliever Joba Chamberlain and newly acquired utility man Wilson Betemit have stepped up and delivered in clutch situations, much to the frustration of nearly everyone.
“You got fucking Abreu all of a sudden going 3 for 4 every night,” Boston citizen Mark Baker said of the Yankees’ recent surge. “Fucking Giambi’s back. A-Rod’s hitting 500 fucking home runs a night. Posada, that bastard. You got Matsui, who’s a Red Sox killer. Then there’s Shelley Duncan, who no one even heard of till three weeks ago. Guy never hit a home run in his life, he puts on pinstripes and suddenly he’s Babe fucking Ruth.”
“And this Melky Cabrera guy,” Baker added. “Where did this fucking guy come from? Him and Cano. They got guys coming out of the fucking woodwork.”
“Fucking Yankee fans must be loving this,” said New York resident and avid Mets fan Dave Julian, muting the Yankee broadcast to temporarily silence the grating sound of Yankee cheers. “The smug fucks. And those Yankee announcers. Why don’t they root a little harder? They make me sick. Michael Kay. Bet Steinbrenner’s laughing it up. Bought himself another fucking championship.”
Although the Yankees’ schedule becomes tougher in the coming month, with multiple series against the Tigers, Angels, Red Sox, and Mariners, most baseball fans have resigned themselves to the fact that the season is “pretty much fucking over.”
“What the fuck can you do?” said Detroit citizen Terry Grey. “Every call. The Yankees get every break, the bounces all go their way. It’s luck. They’re lucky. They’re so fucking lucky.”
“Stupid,” Grey added. “It’s all stupid. Why play the whole fucking season if this is what’s always going to happen?”
Despite the mixture of anger, resentment, and disbelief that has surfaced across the country during the Yankees’ recent hot streak, most fans have been able to take some solace in the fact that the Yankees will be eliminated by the Angels in the first round of the playoffs.


Web Crash 2007

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I had no clue the Onion is doing video until I saw the clip below and after watching it, I for one am going to start watching more of their Onion News Network. Prepare to laugh – alot – so get your beverage away from the keyboard. Sometimes I feel like control-alt-deleting myself too…

Via Chris


Hillary's Song

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Like many people who vote Democrat and who are paying careful attention to the 2008 Presidential race, I am currently torn between Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. I used to also throw John Edwards in the mix but now its just down to Hil and the Big O.
To help me make up my mind, I am going to hear Obama speak on Friday night and depending on how eloquent he is, I may be won over to his side. Then again, Hillary might have already pushed me there today by naming Celine Dion’s “You and I” as her campaign song! I mean, as the Junior Senator from New York, doesn’t Hillary watch enough NY1 to know that this is the same song that is used in the “Go to Canada” tourism commercials?!?
Okay, to be fair, she didn’t choose it: her supporters chose it for her as she had a contest where she listed about 8 songs and said “vote for my campaign song.” I forget who I voted for but it was definitely not that crazy Cannuck and if her supporters love Celine Dion, maybe I’m rooting for the wrong team…
That being said, Hillary did do something incredibly cute and clever for a politician in announcing it: she and Bill spoofed the Sopranos ending! To be punny, I found it hilarious. Ba dum dum. Make sure your speakers are on and check it out below:

In this day and age, isn’t it great that we are focusing on campaign songs too and not just the issues? To be honest, I’m not even sure if I mean that sarcastically or not. I mean, things are so fucked up in the world, you need to laugh once in a while and just saying “Iraq, Terrorism, Taxes, etc” gets boring after a while and you tune out. So, if having a campaign song contest is a way to get you involved again, who is to say that its so bad?


Nine Words Women Use

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I received the list below in an email from my Uncle and I have to say, it was the first forward in a long time that I not only read but found humorous. Those in a relationship with a woman will find the list below especially useful. So, without futher ado, the nine words that women use and what they mean:
1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. (Refer back to #1 for the meaning of fine.)
4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t do it!
5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6. That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome.
8. Whatever: Is a women’s way of saying F@!K YOU!
9. Don’t worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking “What’s wrong?” (For the woman’s response refer to #3)
Via the Mayor