
Oh My Singlet!

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If you are the type of person who thinks that John Fogerty is singing “There’s a bathroom on right” instead of “There’s a bad moon on the rise” then you might think that Beyonce is singing “Oh my Singlet” instead of “All my Single Ladies” in her new hit song “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).”
The video for this song features Beyonce and two others dancing in leotards Bob Fosse style. It also has been mocked, first on SNL and then by legions of others, and I find the spoofs hysterical (the original that it being mocked is pretty good too). I’ve been on the lookout for SNL clip for about two weeks now – its not on Hulu and its not on YouTube but it is on Andy Samberg’s site (duh).
Enjoy the clip below and then just try to get this song out of your head. Its been stuck in my head for two weeks now.

If you are a fan of Samberg and his digital shorts, you might alsol love the most recent golden short “Jizz in my Pants”.
Happy Friday.
Via Sara


"Telling Cute Animals What's What" since October, 2008

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I checked out Fuck You, Penguin a blog where BZA “tells cute animals what’s what” about 15 minutes ago and still am smiling. Any place where I can read a post titled “Panda accomplices fully liable” which contains the copy below is a place for me.

“Attention people who have access to Pandas. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF POWER YOU POSSESS. You are like a child that stumbles upon one of the rings from lord of the rings, only instead of a ring it is a FUCKING PANDA. Keep all pandas away from toys and other human objects like cars, hats, and exercise machines. If not, you will be held fully responsible for the damage they inflict.
Oh yeah, and fuck you, Panda.”

Love it. Happy Friday.
Via Ben


Epic Fail

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“Epic Fail” is a term which is being used more and more these days. It can mean a number of different things but they are all sort of the same. For instance, it can symbolize the highest form of fail known to man or it can be used when something can be seen to be a total failure, like this dance routine below:

The site Failblog charts all of the fails out there and some of them are truly epic in scale. If you have any sense of schadenfreude in you, you’ll get a kick out of more than a few posts on this site.
For instance, you might get a kick out of the guy below who thought it would be a good idea to climb inside a balloon. Nothing says “Epic Fail!” more than that!

Via Chris and others


Election Hang Over Funny Business

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Its been about a week and a half since Obama won his electoral landslide. Some of the counting isn’t even done yet – Missouri is still outstanding. So many people, so many organizations, so many nations have commented on the election and said so many different things, it is at once expected and astounding and it has run the gamut from the serious to the silly.
I’ve been serious for so long, I’d like to focus on the silly. For instance, South Park provided a brilliant parody of the election twenty four hours after the event took place. It’s episode “The Greatest Thief Club in the World” perfectly sends up both our country and Ocean’s 11, 12, 13 and whatever else comes this way. Parker and Stone have reset the bar once again. A great con – a beautiful twist. Loved it.
I chuckled reading the short Onion article Black Man Was Given the Nation’s Worst Job. Here is half the article:

As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind. The job comes with such intense scrutiny and so certain a guarantee of failure that only one other person even bothered applying for it. Said scholar and activist Mark L. Denton, “It just goes to show you that, in this country, a black man still can’t catch a break.”

When you put it that way, being the President doesn’t sound too fun…
Another gem from the Onion comes from its video division. Its piece on how die hard Obama supporters are completely adrift was a little too close for comfort. I wonder how many of my posts over the past two years have mentioned Barack? Hmm. I almost don’t want to count.
The Daily Show has a good piece on the search for the First Dog. Lucky for me, when it came time to get a dog I sort of didn’t have a choice – a friend of the family had just had a Shih-Tzu litter and I was locked into a little Ewok.
Last but not least, here is the truth which just sounds like a joke: “A black man and a hard ass Jew walk into the Oval Office and…”


Little O'Reilly Tells It Like It Is

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Please do not watch the clip below while drinking a hot beverage or while operating heavy machinery:

Best line? “Go drive your electric cars into the ocean. I hope you hit a whale on your way to France.”
If this kid wasn’t so like Bill-O, it wouldn’t be half as funny…


The Swedish Chef Visits Robot Chicken

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I love Robot Chicken and saw the clip below last night for the first time. I was laughing out loud then and was still laughing today when I told some co-workers about it. After they watched, they could not understand why I found this funny. In fact, the words used were “one of the unfunniest Robot Chicken clips of all time.” Strong words.
How about you decide if its funny and let me know via posting a comment – I’m curious.