The Colbert Report (pronounced Co-bear Ra-pour) debuted last night on Comedy Central and simply put it was hilarious. It is a total send up of the O’Reilly Factor and I was amazed at how Steven Colbert was able to keep a straight face for the full 30 minutes, especially when Stone Phillips was flat-out cracking up during the “Gravitas Battle” towards the end of the show. During this segment, they went back and forth, reading increasingly more ridiculous bits of new while speaking in the pompously grave anchor voice that I know and simultaneously love and loath. In a spirit of full disclosure, this anchor also has the body piercing in question. You know, that sort of thing.
Due to the fact that I am such a huge fan of “The Daily Show,” I was critically evaluating the show from start to finish and everything, from the American flag draped with requisite soaring eagle opening credits to the desk shaped in a big “C” to Mr. Colbert’s sheer over-the-topness (a term he would love), was great. As long as they didn’t blow all their good jokes in the first show, I am looking forward to a formidable 1-2 punch from Comedy Central between 11 and 12 from now on. Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn was tough to watch and I’m glad it’s gone. He wasn’t that funny and his guests were even more unfunny. Ah, unfunny – a word Mr. Colbert would love. If you decide to tune in, let me know what you think.