Movie Trailer Remix Madness
Posted onHave you ever seen a movie trailer, then seen the movie and wondered “how the hell did they cut the trailer because the movie is so friggen different from what I thought it was going to be?” I have, unfortunately more than once, and usually I’m pretty pissed.
Happily, I can tell you of two situations where I was pleasantly surprised when the movie was nothing like the trailer. Yesterday, my friend Steve sent me a remixed trailer that takes “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and mixes it with the “Requiem for a Dream” theme song so that one thinks that the movie is something that it is not: instead of the campy, super fun teen movie that Ferris Bueller is and that I, and so many others, love, if you never knew of the movie and just saw the trailer, you would think that it was one hell of a dark angst ridden film. Whoever did this deserves plenty of kudos – its is quite well done.
This trailer then made me remember another movie whose trailer was recut in the opposite way a few years back. Someone took “The Shining” and made the movie seem nothing like it was: the trailer promises a fun, uplifting comedy which, if you’ve seen or read “The Shining” could be nothing further from the truth. Red rum! Red rum! All work and no play makes Homer go something something…. (yes, I just worked in a Stephen King and Simpsons reference back-to-back – I could not resist).
My buddy Chris posted about this Shining trailer almost three years ago and I’m surprised I haven’t seen more remixed trailers since then. I guess you really need a lot of time on your hands in order to make this magic happen. My friend Joergen then linked to a NYT article about this Shining trailer in a post on Chris’s site which is an interesting read – I never saw it and only read it just now. Gotta love the memory jog – even years later something new pops up.
So, in the guise of a “Happy Friday” post, please see the two trailers below. One is a happy movie pretending to be dark movie and the other is reversed: it’s a dark movie pretending to be happy movie. Enjoy!
“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” meets “Requiem For a Dream”
“The Shining” as comedy:
Via Steve (for FBDO) and others (for The Shining)