
On Terrorism

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From Paul Krugman’s Op-Ed piece entitled “Cult of Death” from the Tuesday, 9/7/04 edition of the New York Times:

“Three years after Sept. 11, many are still apparently unable to talk about this evil [i.e. terrorism]. They still try to rationalize terror. What drives the terrorists to do this? What are they trying to achieve? They’re still victims of the delusion that Paul Berman diagnosed after Sept. 11: ‘It was the belief that, in the modern world, even the enemies of reason cannot be the enemies of reason. Even the unreasonable must be, in some fashion, reasonable.’ This death cult has no reason and is beyond negotiation. this is what makes it so frightening. This is what scauses so many to engage in a sort of mental diversion. They don’t want to confront this horror. so they rush off in search of more comprehensible things to hate.”


“Outfoxed” Movie Clips

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The Center for American Progress has provided two great clips from “Outfoxed” – a new movie which dissects the Fox News Media organization and shows how blatantly unfair and unbalanced this “news” organization is in reality. The way that O’Reilly abuses his guest in the second clip is repulsive however Jeremy Glick knew that going on the show is like going into a cage with a wild beast. If it snaps at you, if it bites you, its your own fault because you should have known better.

If you would like to buy the video, Amazon is selling it on DVD. I’m sure it will have a very limited theatrical release – not sure when and where it will be playing though so if you can’t wait to be even more angry, get it today. “Outfoxed” seems at first blush to be much more well researched than “Fahrenheit 9/11” which is a good thing.