
I love the Olymics: Winter Edition

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In the Winter of 2002, I was recovering from a serious car accident and couldn’t even read due to massive headaches (it hurt too much to concentrate on the words). Thankfully, I had the Salt Lake City games to keep me company. I watched all day every day and for the most part loved every moment. That silly figure skating medal controversy was just too much for me.
There are so many things I love about the Olympics. I love the years of dedication and effort the athletes put in towards sports that for the most part will never make them any money and how they do it for some ideal “greater glory.” I love the pagentry of the opening ceremonies, specifically when all the teams enter the stadium – I just love flags. I love how nations that shouldn’t get along somehow do. At the end of the day, we are all humans. We were only born into our countries/states/cities. I didn’t ask to be an American. Someone in China didn’t ask to be Chinese. It just happened to work out that way when we were born. Sports is truly a global language – hell, North and South Korea are marching together in the opening ceremonies and those nations are still technically at war (a cease-fire was signed on July 27, 1953 but the war has not ended officially).
Specifically for the Winter Games, I love the obscure sports, like curling and the Biathalon, the later being where you cross-country ski as fast as you can for a few kilometers, then take a rifle off your back to shoot at some targets and repeat 5-10 times. Its what I imagine Nordic special forces to be. I’m not a huge fan of ice skating and ice dancing but I love when the Americans win, especially girls from Long Island. So, it is already understood that NBC owns my TV for 2 weeks and that NOTHING else will be watched starting on 2/10.
Torino/Turin is the now. For the future, Vancouver has got the games in 2010 which is pretty cool as I loved Calgary in 1988 (go Saddledome). The contenders for the 2014 Winter Oympics are [in alphabetical by city order]: Almaty, Kazakhstan, Borjomi, Georgia, Jaca, Spain, Pyeongchang, South Korea, Salzburg, Austria, Sochi, Russia and Sofia, Bulgaria . I for one am routing for Kazakhstan, if only because maybe then in a spirit of Olympic goodwill Borat’s web site will be once again live.


Nikolay Valuev, aka the Beast from the East, aka the Russian Giant

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Nikolay Valuev is 7 feet tall and weighs 323 pounds. He’s also boxing’s tallest and heaviest champion (he controversially won the WBA heavyweight championship back in December, 2005) and punningly the newest next big thing to hit the boxing world.

Feel free to start the Andre the Giant comparisons now. While Nikolay reads Tolstoy and writes poetry to his wife, there is a big brew-ha-ha in Russia now as he supposed beat the shit out of a security guards that was hassling his wife about where she parked her car. You tell me – is he more Princess Bride Andre or WWF Andre? Regardless, he’s 43-0 and may be fighting in AC this year.


Just End The Season: Final Update

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In type Jets fashion, they even made a mess of things when they won a game. Justin Miller, at the most inopportune time possible, ran back a kickoff to produce a come-from-behind victory which left the J-E-T-S with the 4th pick in next year’s draft. If they lost, they would have drafted 3rd. Why couldn’t you have done that when it actually mattered?!
After enduring last week’s MNF debacle, you know, where they didn’t get one real 1st down until 4:13 remained in the 3rd quarter, where they only ran 13 offensive plays in the entire first half (compared to 43 for NE), where they lost by the same score in the last MNF game (31-21) as they did in the very first one (to Cleveland on 9/21/70), I hoped for the best but expected the worst. True to form, the worst was what we got.
End Zone Notes:
>> Goodbye Wayne. Thanks for a decade of great football. You were the most powerful flashlight I’ve ever known.
>> Goodbye Vinny. I’m glad he set an NFL longevity record (TDs thrown in 19 consecutive seasons) on MNF – for one who literally got off of a couch to play this season, he deserves it.
>> Good luck Curtis. You don’t have to worry about Reggie Bush anymore. I hope rehab goes well and that you’re back badder than ever before


Just End The Season Update #4

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I took off a week after the J-E-T-S beat the Raiders (I game I attended) but considering they lost to the Fins in Miami to finish with their worst road record in franchise history (0-8), I thought I would write update #4. Sunday’s game was prototypical Jets – rally, get incredibly close and then fall short at the very end. They are now 3-11. They are tied for the 3rd worst team in the league with the Packers and the Saints (though the Saints beat them so they are technically better than the Jets).

Going back to the Raiders game, when Curtis Martin didn’t come out to play, I didn’t know why. It was only after I got home that I realized he was shut down for the season. Not just that, but he may be done. As in “stick a fork in it” done. Injuries, non-guaranteed contracts and a salary cap add up to tons of job insecurity in the good old NFL. I’m hoping that Curtis is back next year starting for the Jets, especially since they let my main man LaMont go last season. In his first season in Oaktown, he’s done alright and I’m sure he’s going to be better and badder next year. A lot of people are already whispering that he’s finished playing, at least for the Jets, and that would be a sad way to end a HoF career.


Just End The Season Update #3

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Now the J-E-T-S are merely an afterthought in their own city. The first mention of the Jets on the main page of the NY Times.com’s sports section today was in an article not even about the Jets. It was about how the mighty Patriots have fallen this year, saying their 16-3 victory yesterday was “a dull, mechanical victory over a 2-10 shell of an opponent.”

There you have it. Football article #1: The Giants/Cowboys game. Football article #2: The Bengels/Steelers game. Football article #3: How Notre Dame are in a BCS bowl game. Football article #4: The aforementioned Patriots article. So where are the lowly Jets? They are buried down 3/4 of the way down the page under the “Pro Football” heading in an article titled “Patriots Rip The Seams of the Patchwork Jets.”

Now for the galling stats. Yesterday’s loss was the team’s 7th consecutive defeat and its 9th in a row on the road dating to last year. Their QB Brooks Bollinger has led the team to only 1 touchdown in over 40 something drives since becoming the starter. Then again, at least he hasn’t gotten knocked out. A reader Evan posted a comment to my first update and said, “We’ve been there through the days of glen foley and well you get my point. This year has been one of the worst to watch. It ruins my sunday to watch them.” My friend Justin, who has 1 of only 5 Browning Nagle Jets jerseys in existance, won’t even waste his time watching the games anymore. I for one still will and I am going to next Sunday’s Raiders game. In years past, the Silver & Black versus the Green & White in December meant something. Either its going to be a fun remembrance of things past or cold waste of time.

At least I’ll get to spend time with my Uncle Jeff and my cousin Josh.

In case you were wondering, my fantasy team finished 7-6 but will not make the playoffs due to losing a tie-breaker. On week 13, I either needed to win or have 1 of 3 different teams lose. Wouldn’t you know it – I lost and they all won. Somehow that is just so fitting this year.


Just End The Season Update #2

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Another Sunday, another loss and they keep getting worse. One week removed from a total drubbing the J-E-T-S this week decided to dole out large scoops of hope (which tasted delicious). However, an hour or so later it was evident that the hope I had just eaten had spoiled months ago and that I was soon going to be very sick.

Like so many other Jets games that I’ve watched over the years, they fought gallantly only to come up nauseatingly short at the very end. Down by 2 points with only 10 seconds on the game clock, their rookie kicker, who already had made 4 field goals (the Jets had lots of trouble figuring out how to get into the end zone), came up about a yard short from about 53 yards out. Actually, it might have been a foot short. It was that close, but you know what they say though: close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. This game featured neither, the Jets lost at home and they are now a disgusting 2-9. Yes, Houston is still worse as they blew a 21-3 lead at home to lose 24-21 in OT which dropped them to 1-10. Its like they both are playing a game of chicken and I pray the Jets swerve first. Having the first pick in the draft isn’t that big of deal to me. I’ll take dignity over Matt Leinart or Reggie Bush any day…


Just End the Season Update #1

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Last week I issued my declaration that the New York Jets should just end the season. Yesterday, they validated my call by getting shut out for the first time in 10 years in losing to Denver 27-0. Lovely. They have lost all 6 of their road games and have been outscored in those games 151 to 44. Super lovely. They also lost 2 quarterbacks in 1 game for the second time this season, which isn’t half as bad as the fact that these 2 are different from the last 2, which means that the Jets are now on their 5th different quarterback this season. Super duper lovely. Did I mention that Brooks was vomiting on the sideline due to his massive concussion before he was escorted to the locker room? Did I mention that before Interceptaverde was knocked out he threw 2 more picks and fumbled the ball thrice bringing his total after only 4 and a half games to 6 interceptions and 5 fumbles? I think I’m going to stop now and just say I told you so.

Needless to say though I’m still watching and still hoping. Longtime Jet and future Hall of Famer Curtis Martin said “It’s about as low as it gets, to be honest with you, but you can never give up. We’re going to keep coming to work and we’re going to keep trying.” Actually Curtis, it could be worse. Houston is 1-9 and relatively healthy so their excuse is that they are just plain awful. Then again, who knows what will happen next week – the J-E-T-S may pass them by…


In a Ballpark, far, far away…

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The image below is totally real:

An actor playing Chewbacca threw out the ceremonial first pitch prior to a game between the Boston Red Sox and Toronto Blue Jays at Fenway Park in Boston, Wednesday Sept. 28, 2005. Chewbacca and Princess Leia were on hand to promote the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit at the Museum of Science in Boston.

After this stunt, I swear if the Yankees lose to the Red Sox again this year I’m going to do something drastic, though I’m not sure what. Get Donnie Baseball his damn ring!


Lipso Nava Fan Club

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Johnny Goodtimes (yes that is his real name), is the leader of a Quizzo bar game movement in Philly, PA. He is also a reporter who wrote an article titled “Down and Out in Lancaster” about the Camden Riversharks for the Philiapelphia City Paper. Mr. Goodtimes contacted me because after he interviewed and hung out with the team, he googled “Lipso Nava” because Lipso had made such a great impression on him.

Lo and behold, my site came up. Among other things, he told me that Lipso is called “the Living Legend” around the clubhouse and that many are convinced he would be a gold glover if he could just get a shot at playing in the majors.

The article talks about my favorite player quite a bit throughout the piece. In fact, right off the bat the article opens with this paragraph:

Lipso Nava has the best porn moustache in baseball. Catcher Travis Anderson informs me (and everyone else within earshot) of this fact shortly after I enter the clubhouse. “He’s the Peter North of the Dominican Republic,” the backstop says.

“He’s from Venezuela,” cries a voice in the back of the room.

“I know,” shoots back Anderson. “I was trying to protect his identity.”

Gotta love it. Makes me want to watch Major League in the worst way. The article itself is a good look at what life is like for minor league players. Enjoy.

One last thing. Johnny also said “If you decide to start a Lipso Nava fan club, count me in.” I’m thinking of doing so. Anyone else out there interested in joining?