
Summer Camp II

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On Saturday night, I attended the second Camp Lohikan NYC reunion and experienced for the first time what many other bloggers have experienced: someone came up to me and said, “I loved your post! I found your blog by doing a google search and absolutely loved it!” In this case, it was an entry I wrote last October about camp. Not only did Karen love it, but she sent it to tons of people that I knew from those days who also loved it. It was very interesting to say hello to people and to have them immediately say, “I loved what you wrote!” Not that I minded…

In the spirit of giving the people what they want, my resolution now is to post more entries about camp and my memories from those halcyon days. Not all be mushy like my first and only camp post. In fact, most won’t be. But, before I move to far along in life and before I forget even more of what I used to know, I’m going to get some of this stuff down. Stephanie has said in the past to post more memoir-style entries, to write more “I remember…” exercises and then post them and I think that camp is the perfect source of material.

So, my first memory is about Canteen, the Rec Hall and the video game Galaxian. When I was in the inter division, we had Cantenn after dinner. Canteen was a time when, with all the other campers in our division, we got to go buy candy ($1 a day stipend was provided before you had to pay out of pocket) and play video games in a room that was in the back of the multi-purpose Rec Hall. There were about 20 stand up coin-op video games in that room, some more popular than others. The popular ones always had a line and I hated lines. Canteen lasted for only a finite period of time and I didn’t want to waste that time by just standing around. So, for some reason, probably because no one was playing it because it was so damn old, I started to play Galaxian, a Space Invaders sort of game put out by Midway in 1979.

This game became MY game, mostly because no one else ever played it. It got to be a joke – “Where is Jeff? He’s at Galaxian, duh!” I played it the entire Canteen period most days during my time at Lohikan, year after year. When I became a senior, Canteen switched from after dinner to after evening activity and when a lot of people were off hooking up at the riflery range or down by Arts and Farts, I was alone in the Canteen with Galaxian.

Over time, I got really good and could go many, many levels without ever losing a ship. Others who would see me playing were in awe — I was that good. It was a zen thing, because I knew the exact patterns for the first couple of boards, it was in essence meditation after a long day. I knew exactly where to be, when to fire, how to bob and weave my way through the missiles that were fired against me and I almost never faltered. If I died on one of the early boards, I just tanked the game and started over. I became one with the machine, and it seemed that my hands reacted faster than my mind could even process the info that was being presented to me. 17 missiles would be coming at me and somehow I would be able to juke them all. It became MY thing – this game was MINE. I would stretch my 3 lives out over 20 – 30 minutes. If I got on the game, basically you were just left waiting. With so many other little things out of my control, whether or not I was popular, whether or not a certain girl liked me, etc this game was one of the few little things in camp I could control and I just didn’t control it, I dominated it.

I think it occured during my last summer but eventually the game wasn’t just mine anymore. An Australian counselor with a pony tail named John (I think he taught music, I seem to remember him travelling about with a guitar) started playing this game as well. It was frustrating to show up and find someone playing – for three years this game usually was empty or if someone was playing, they would die rather fast and I would soon be on it for the remainder of Canteen. He was a different story though for he knew what he was doing. I remember one epic night when we played a 2 player game where we each rung up around 30K – 50K points. We actually attracted a crowd around us because we both were so damn good and this game was such an odd one to feature two video game gunslingers in battle against each other. He would play for 10 minutes, then I would play for 10 minutes, back and forth, past the time when Canteen should have ended. I’m not sure what happened. I like to think that neither of us were defeated, instead we just ran out of time to continue our battle.
Years later, I not only remember the game but the battle and all the other nights that I spent playing it. I remember that when I occasionally found myself in a relationship, I still managed to find time to play it at least once a night. It was my ritual and it needed to be done. I now have Galaxian for the Atari 2600 – yes, I have a working Atari 2600 – but its not the same because you can fire too many missiles. One of the features that I liked about the older stand up coin-op version was that if you fired a missile, it either needed to hit an alien ship or it needed to leave the screen before you could fire another one. The Atari 2600 version allows you to fire missiles at will which means you need a lot less skill to excel at it. I’ve been looking on eBay for a real stand up coin-op version of Galaxian and have seen ones for around $500 – $1000. Once I get a place that is big enough for it, I’m going to thrown down and purchase it. Then it will always be Canteen time in my home. I can’t wait.


Secret In-and-Out Burger Menu

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For all those headed to the west coast soon, here is a run-down of the items on the secret menu at In-and-Out Burger. This place is quite possibly the greatest burger joint on the planet. If you didn’t know, In-and-Out Burger’s menu has only 4 items on it – burgers, fries, beverages and shakes. However, there are a number of items that are off the menu yet known to all employees. Now when you hear someone ask for their burger “animal style” you won’t be so confused…


Tell Someone What You Really Think

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Get it off your chest here…In addition to the specific city, state, and federal agencies detailed below, the city’s 311 number is a great routing service for complaints.

Filing a report with the Better Business Bureau can be a) therapeutic and b) useful for other consumers as well as publications such as MUG – we won’t knowingly ever recommend a company or service with an unsatisfactory rating.

DOT’s Aviation Consumer Protection Division. Specific airline Customer Relations Managers.

Cable TV
Dept.of Information Technology & Telecommunications

Office of the Attorney General

Civil Rights
Office of the Attorney General

Consumer Fraud
Office of the Attorney General

Consumer Goods and Services
Department of Consumer Affairs Info, Complaint Form.

Consumer Product Safety
Consumer Product Safety Commission

Do Not Call Violations

Fake/Toy Gun Sales
Department of Consumer Affairs

Heat and Hot Water
Call 311. More info.

Call the NYS Insurance Dept., Consumer Services Bureau at 212.480.6400.

Hospital Care
Call the NYS Dept. of Health at 212.268.6554.

Identity Theft

Illegal Dumping
Dept. of Sanitation
Investor Protection
Office of the Attorney General

Mobile Phone Dead Spots


Public Advocate for the City of NY

Police Officer Conduct
Civilian Complaint Review Board

Call 311 or use the DOT form.

Rent Security Deposit
Office of the Attorney General

Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene

Smoking Indoors
Bureau of Tobacco Control

Office of the Attorney General

Street Lights

Taxi and Limousine Commission

Traffic Signals and Signs
Call 311. More info.

Websites or Internet Service Providers
Office of the Attorney General


Ways NOT To Fool A Drug Test

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I am NOT making this up: Actor Tom Sizemore has been jailed for violating his probation by failing a drug test after he was caught trying to use a prosthetic penis to fake the results, a Los Angeles County prosecutor said on Friday.

According to prosecutors, Sizemore had been caught once before trying to use a similar device, sold over the Internet under the brand name the Whizzinator, and had failed drug tests on at least five occasions.

Read the full article here

Thanks eNos


Puzzle Du Jour

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This little flash game called Hapland is fun, irritating and quite puzzling. My co-worker Jason has completed it and printed the end screen as proof so I know it can be done. I’m muddling my way through it – so far, I’ve played about 30 minutes and I haven’t been able to really do a damn thing. Let me know if you beat it.

Via Chris


Poseidon Undersea Resorts

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I love the idea and practice of space exploration because space so vast, so unexplored and so unknown. For the same reasons, I love the ocean. I love aquariums, I love fish tanks (just not cleaning them) and I find the world underwater fascinating, especially since the earth is 75% covered by water and the way global warming is going, that number is probably only going to increase.

So, I found this next idea tres cool. Poseidon Undersea Resorts, currently in the final design stages, will be the world’s first sea floor resort complex. The resort will be a unique, intimate and exclusive, five-star destination providing the highest possible levels of luxury and service. Poseidon’s guests will experience a marvelous ambiance of comfort and camaraderie that will not soon be forgotten. For those who have dreamt of visiting their imagination’s wildest destinations; traveling to the moon, reaching the summit of Everest or exploring the mysteries of the ocean depths, Poseidon will be a reality you will truly appreciate.

Via Republica


Happy Friday

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I’m on a posting frenzy right now. Such is life, when it rains, it pours. When it doesn’t, its a super duper dust bowl full of drought.

I was sent this link and got halfway down the page before I almost spit up what I was drinking. Its pretty funny how a slice of life action photo, combined with photoshop, can amuse me to no end.

Thanks Michele


Of Course It’s Unavoidable – There Is A Train Ahead Of Us!

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When you travel in the newer subway cars, you are “treated” to hearing an electronic voice talking to you all the time. Like the voicemail woman who welcomes me to Audix (thanks sweetheart). Once in a while you’ll hear a conductor break in and correct the computer – “Next stop is City Hall! City Hall next stop! We are nowhere near the Bronx – this is why people drive the trains!” – and I live for those moments.

The one electronic statement that bothers me the most is when, after not moving for a few minutes, Transmit Woman breaks in and says “We apologize for the unavoidable delay.” OF COURSE ITS UNAVOIDABLE!! We are on a track! It’s not like we can go around it. What genius thought that one up?

This has always bothered me and guess what, it’s going away. The MTA has announced that it is removing “unavoidable” from that statement. Yay. One less thing to get aggravated over.


A Movie I Wish Was Coming To A Theatre Near Me

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Once again, I found something cool on Chris’s site. This time, its extra special.

The young geniuses at Untamed Cinema have a created a trailer for a movie that will might never be made. But if there is justice in the world, then maybe, just maybe, it will happen.

The high-res Grayson trailer is well worth the download, even if its a huge file (137 MB). If you have the bandwidth, grab it while you can. Otherwise, watch one of the other versions.

Below is Chris’s review. Please note that he has berated me for liking comics for the past few years and has for the most part bashed the recent comic book movies that have made it to the big screen or that are in development (the upcoming Batman Beyond is an obvious exception). That being said, here is what he said:

“It tells the story of a time when Batman has been killed, and angst-filled Dick Grayson, AKA Robin, trains himself for revenge. He is older now, married with kids, and as his wife puts it, “is training for war.” He also does a little detective work and begins to unravel a conspiracy that runs very deep, through the chief of police, various super villains, and even older heroes. Cameos astound as we see Superman, WonderWoman, Catwoman, Joker, Riddler, and even the Green Lantern. This short film/trailer is spectacular, and is everything superhero movies and comic books should be.”
So, I’m hoping for some real comments get posted about this movie. If the movie is gone, email me and I’ll burn it to a CD and mail it to you. The movie is THAT good. Enjoy.”

Thanks Chris