
Golem Humor

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To help advertise the new book The Jewish Body by Melvin Konner, the publisher made a funny little video about a modern day Golem in Brooklyn. Of course, hilarity ensues and mission accomplished – I’m showing you the video thus advertising the book.

Rabbi: Golem we have summoned you to protect us from invaders.

Golem: Um, you created me to destroy your enemies? I mean, have you seen this body? What do you want me to do – file their taxes to death?

Enjoy the full video below.

The Golem from Tablet Magazine on Vimeo.

Via Neu, my favorite J.B.A.


On Names

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Naming a thing gives it power.
Before my daughter was born, my wife and I spent a prodigious amount of time trying to decide on boys and girls names (at the time we didn’t know the sex of our yet to be born child) because we wanted to make sure that whatever we decided upon was right.
Moving backwards, before we got my dog, we also spent a lot of time deciding on the name because again, we wanted to make sure it was right.
Hell, when we got our car after our daughter was born, we batted around a number of names for it before we settled on “Murray.” One because Murray the Matrix has a nice sing-song ring to it and two because we used to live on Murray St. Due to the reasons I mentioned it, just seemed right.
All of that being said, I would like to point out that the Russian energy company Gazprom just made a 2.5 billion dollar investment in Nigera and the joint company is being called Nigaz. You don’t need be to a corporate branding guru to know that someone should have spent more a little more time thinking this one through. Nigaz? Really? For all the times that I mentioned the word right above, this name is just plain wrong.
Via Ben who said, “First rung on the ‘probably not the best name for a company’ ladder”


Line of the Week

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I am a big fan of humor quips. When I lived at home, one of the best parts of my week was the day “Newsweek” arrived in the mail and I got to read the quote and cartoons in its Perspectives column. Sports Illustrated has also had some good quotes – found either in its “Line of the Week” or “This Week’s Sign the Apocalypse is Upon Us” features.
Charles Barkley’s recent comment on being criticized for swearing during a TNT broadcast is especially post worthy:

“If me saying b.s. on television after midnight is going to push your little damn brat over the deep end, you’re just a crappy parent.”


Cincinnati Patrolled By Real-Life Superheroes. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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This is why I love io9 – because without it I would have never known about the real-life superhero team called Allegiance of Heroes led by Shadowhare. This is for real people. Seriously.

Shadowhare is using a site called the World Superhero Registry to meet up with other heros, like Aclyptico in Pennsylvania, Wall Creeper in Colorado and Master Legend in Florida. Again, this is for real. Stop laughing.
Now, when you build a real-life superhero team, you’re only asking for trouble from a real life supervillain The “Consortium of Evil” has placed a $10 bounty on Shadowhare’s identity via the wonder of Craigslist: “I am seeking the identity of Shadowhare. – E, The Consortium of Evil.” And so it begins.
via io9


Happy St. Paddy's Day

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While I haven’t posted in a little while (I’ve been so busy at work that at night I’ve just wanted to chill combined with the fact that I am still trying to figure out what to say about the Hampton Phish show on 3/6 and how to say it), I could not resist honoring today’s holiday by posting the video below:

I’ve heard that today is the one day of the year when everyone wishes they were Irish. I’m not sure if that is truly the case – it might just be because they wish it was socially acceptable for them to be in a bar by 11 AM on a Tuesday. Was that too stereotypical? Not if I look across the street at Puck Fair


Tolerance Animal Style

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Elephants are social animals and so are dogs. So, it isn’t the most unlikely scenario that an Elephant and a Dog can become best friends though when it does, about a thousand people go “awww” at the same time. The clip below is way too cute. With so much bad stuff in the news (or even on my blog if you bothered to watch the movie on the previous post) here is an antidote to make you smile. Enjoy.

Via Ben



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One SNL bit that I find consistently funny is the “Really?!?” segment that Seth Meyers does from time to time on the Weekend Update portion of the show. When Amy Poehler was still in the scene, they partnered for a very funny one concerning Rod Blagojevich and while Seth is no Dennis Miller, he thankfully isn’t Colin Quinn either.
Seth Meyers has been growing on me as the “Weekend Update” anchor and part of it is his dead-on “Really?!?” bits. The best one by far was the one he did on Michael Phelps. When talking about how Kellogs is outraged by Phelph’s marijuana use, he says in retort “Every one of your [Kellogs] products sounds like a wish a Genie granted at a Phish concert.”
Check out the entire clip below and prepare to laugh:

I am super happy that Hulu is now around because I can post a clip like this and be fairly confident that years later it will still be there – unlike a lot of YouTube videos I post to this blog which “disappear” over time…