
Homage to Leo

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I went to Google’s homepage today and this is what I saw:

Aside from being the inspiration for a book that has been on the NY Times bestseller list for 107 weeks, let me quickly run down this scientist/inventor/artist’s achievements so that you can feel even worse about watching TV and ordering in last night:

>> Described as the archetype of the “Renaissance man” and as a universal genius
>> Painted the Last Supper
>> Painted the Mona Lisa
>> Was left-handed and used mirror writing throughout his life. Explainable by fact that it is easier to pull a quill pen than to push it; by using mirror-writing, the left-handed writer is able to pull the pen from right to left.
>> Developed the world’s first robot
>> Recorded some 13,000 pages of notes and drawings, which fuse art and science
>> Considered to be the beginner of caricature due to the fact that he actively searched for bodily deformed people to paint them

Just thought I’d share in case you google today from your toolbar only and bypass its homepage.


Art by George DeStefano

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I am lucky to currently have not one but two pieces of art by George DeStefano hanging in my apartment. This up-and-coming painter/illustrator’s style cannot neatly fit into a specific category – I would call it “chunky abstract realism” – and his work really needs to be seen in person to do these pieces justice. Some pieces are created using found materials, such as old doors and other large objects, upon which he applies layer upon layer of paint to create images that stop one dead in his or her tracks. While your eyes may linger over a piece for a few seconds on the web, in person you’ll be standing in front of that same piece for a few minutes.

In the next decade, I expect big things from the New York based artist. If you are interested in seeing in person or obtaining one of George’s pieces, feel free to contact either me or George directly. His contact info can be found on his site.


Zoomquilt Trippiness

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I saw a link to this collaborative flash art project entitled The Zoomquilt a few months back, actually, it was when I was in LA last so I’m going to say October, when Chris posted it to his site. Today, I got it again from my friend Sam so now its been doubly verified and since I still think its pretty trippy and neat, check it out for yourself.

Thanks Sam