
51st State = Long Island?

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Every so often you’ll hear a report about someone trying to become the 51st State, like Puerto Rico, or someone thinking about seceding from the Union and becoming its own sovereign nation, like Texas.
Long Island a few months back started to explore the idea of seceding from NYS because as Suffolk Comptroller Joseph Sawicki had said, “The state of Long Island has always been a romantic idea, its been fun to talk about and exciting to discuss. Now, it’s become a matter of economic survival,” and he pointed out that Albany gets $3 billion more from Long Island than it gives back (NYC does that to the tune of $10 billion but who’s counting?).
Cue Jon Stewart and his crack commandos. “The Daily Show” last night had a segment focusing on this plan and of course hilarity ensued. My favorite line of the segment was when some LI Guidos were talking about beating up the residents of NJ: “Isn’t like beating up up your conjoined twin? You’re so genetically similar…” Enjoy.

Via Neu