
Michael Palin Would Have Been a Much Better Choice

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When John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his VP choice, it sent everyone, me included, into a tizzy.
On the issues, she is against abortion, does not believe in the whole “global warming” thing, is a member of the NRA, believes that marriage should only be between a man and a woman and even sued the US government for putting the Polar Bear on the endangered species list because it prevented her from drilling for oil wherever she wanted. She is an arch Conservative, not just a Republican, pure and simple.
One of my favorite Republican talking points is that since Russia is next to Alaska, Palin is the most qualified to be Commander in Chief because she runs the Alaskan National Guard and as we’ve seen in Georgia, Russia is ornery these days and heck, they might just try to take Seward’s Folly back. Love it! Fear mongering at its finest.
While Palin’s personal story is being bandied about quite a lot, something that has not gained that much traction as of yet is the possibility that she’s a big fat liar.
First, while Palin is being pegged a maverick because she passed all of these ethics reform laws and canceled Ted Steven’s Bridge to Nowhere, she is being investigated by her state legislature for lying about how she pressured a lot of people to fire her ex-Brother-in-law from his state job. A Troopergate scandal didn’t play well in NY and it isn’t playing well in Alaska either. Plus, a person who is vindicative towards someone who wronged his or her family is the wrong person to be President. Just look at what W did to Saddam because Saddam threatened his daddy. ‘Nuff said.
Second, (though first in how weird and damaging it would be to the campaign), is that maybe Sarah Palin is not the mother of the 4 month old she claims is her son and that she is actually the grandmother. If that is the case, then Palin decided to lie to the world to hide the “shame” of her oldest daughter’s unwed pregnancy.
To stoke these flames, it seems that Palin never told anyone she was pregnant until she was 7 months along, that she was never showing beforehand and didn’t really show at the end either, and then did something absurd when she went into labor, especially absurd considering she knew the child to be developmentally disabled. This burgeoning scandal is being dubbed Waterbreak (love it!) because, as a forum poster put it, “on a list of things I would be doing if my waters had broken, staying to give a conference speech and then flying 3000 miles probably wouldn’t be that high. Seems strange.” As a new father who was very close to his wife during her pregnancy, I 150% agree that the pictures of Palin at public appearances over the course of her “pregnancy” are crazy.
If either of the above is true, then Sarah Palin is a big, fat liar and the last person we need to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.