Last night I post about how I’m so grateful that I don’t live in a war zone without ever thinking about how rooted I was by the bangs and the booms in a Twentieth Century mindset. Because of the US’s global geographic location, the kinds of artillery battles that I felt like I was in while in my backyard jungle on July 4th are very unlikely to happen here, though I could see some of the drug battles in Mexico spilling over the border.
I somehow forgot all about the Terminator movies and the existing botnets that might control the very computer I’m writing this post on. Today I have learned that since July 4th, the South Korean and US governments have been under a sustained and sophisticated cyberattack.
From the NYT, “The Treasury Department, Secret Service, Federal Trade Commission and Transportation Department Web sites were all down at varying points over the holiday weekend and into this week, The A.P. reported, citing officials inside and outside the American government. The fact that the government Web sites were still being affected after three days signaled an unusually lengthy and sophisticated attack, the news agency reported, citing anonymous American officials.”
Read the article for more geek nightmare details. We are living in the future.