
I'm Slipping

Paul McCartney played a secret and free show at the Highline Ballroom yesterday and I missed it. I have all the time in the world right now to sit and wait on a line for tickets yet knowledge of this show escaped my usual network of sources and I only found out about it today after the fact. Sure, it was only announced on his web site but still, come on – at this point either my minions or I should have been able to sniff this show out. He played 20 songs, a mix of Beatles songs and songs from his new album Memory Almost Full and from what I’ve seen in the “Watch” section of his site (where you can view clips of the the show), he sounded and looked great. And I missed it. Doh!
I wrote about a site called Tour Filter back in March of this year and how I was hoping not to “slip” anymore regarding rock shows because of this site. However, I wasn’t tracking Paul McCartney on TourFilter – probably because his last tour’s tickets started at $5,000 each (okay, I exagerated a tiny bit). I wonder when Tour Filter picked up on the show…
Regardless, in order for this to not happen again, I plan on now doing 3 things: add every single band I like to my Tour Filter profile, add these bands as my friend at MySpace (if they have a profile there) and sign up for their mailing lists from their own personal web sites. I would suggest you do the same except then maybe you’ll snag my ticket in the future so instead I say simply do what you want. Only time will tell to see if I “slip” again in the future…
Via Dave

One thought on “I'm Slipping

  1. Yes you are indeed slipping. I am reading your Blog right now because I’m synchronizing my folders, and I noted that while you write quite a bit in the past, you have not been writing for almost a month now!

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