I love one man bands – especially this one guy in the subway that somehow plays 8 instruments at once (he is around Grand Central a lot) – but had no clue that one of the catchier songs I’ve heard in the past year or so – KT Tunstall’s “Black Horse and the Cherry Tree” – was made by taping and playing back self made repeating sound loops while singing and performing over them.
My buddy Chris posted an entry about how Imogen Heep makes music this way and on that post, someone left a comment saying that KT did that repeating loop thing too but that Imogen’s song is better.
I think both are really, really cool and impressive. I love the idea and execution. This is the digital era’s version of the one man band, something much easier to pull it off in a studio than live. For instance, Trent Reznor is Nine Inch Nails until he tours. It is then that his group of 1 must become a group of many but these women pull off this live loop-style solo without a hitch. I won’t judge one versus the other because they are different types of sounds/songs. Why don’t you be the judge?
KT Tunstall performing her song “Black Horse and the Cherry Tree” live:
Imogen Heap’s performing her song “Just For Now” live:
Pretty cool, huh?
Via Chris