Everyone has a pop song they love even though they hate it. I have two in my life right now and have decided to share my pain if you will because maybe these songs are inflicting you with delight and grief as well.
First off, I recently was in Reykjavik and heard for the first time Fergie’s “Glamorous” as I had a drink or two before departing into the night air. I then proceeded to hear it over and over again through my stay there. Now, over two weeks later I still can’t get that song out of my head. Yes, I’ve bought it from iTunes. In case you don’t know, Iceland is ridiculously expensive so the song’s chorus of “if you ain’t got no money take yo broke ass home!” is especially apt for a trip theme song. Just like how Ithaca is gorges or gorgeous to some (depending on your preferred spelling), Iceland is glamorous to me. Someone please make it stop – I hear Fergie in my head now at weird moments…
Second, I do not listen to the radio unless I’m driving – which only happens maybe one out of every two weekends these days – yet I’ve noticed that “This Is Why I’m Hot” by Mims seems to be on every channel seemingly all the time. Overall, I think the song is just plain awesome. For someone with a creative writing degree, who loves language, who loves semantics and the nuances of vocabulary, this song’s brazen straight ahead take on life is awesome in its ferocity. For instance, “I’m hot ’cause I’m fly/You ain’t ’cause you not.” is flat out brilliant. The nature in which this powerful message is compacted is akin to Einsteins E = M * C squared equation. Thankfully for me, the Village Voice has a great analysis of all the reasons why Mims is hot. I’ve read it and find much credence in its findings. Read for yourself and enjoy – it’s pretty damn funny – and yes, I bought that single as well from iTunes.