
This American Life is now on TV

The extremely popular NPR radio show This American Life debuted its first-ever television show on Showtime on March 22nd but I don’t get Showtime so I didn’t see it (no, I didn’t grab it from bit torrent and watch it on my computer – believe it or not, I don’t do that, mostly because I just don’t have time).
Chris Ware, one of the most famous contemporary American comic artists and cartoonists, has provided some animation to this first feature, What I Learned from TV which, as Chris put it, “is absolutely hilarious and sad at the same time, much like all of Chris Ware’s work (Acme Novelty Library, Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth, his work in the NY Times humor section, etc). He is slated to do other animated shorts as well. I hope to view all of them, if not the show itself.
Via Chris

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