The World Cup started about an hour ago. I’m currently in a bar with a laptop, borrowing someone’s wi-fi signal, watching Germany play Costa Rica, drinking a Stella and doing work. Footie Fever has infected me and I guess the only cure will be for July 10th to arrive (the final is 7/9). I thought for sure that I wouldn’t give 2 shits about the Germany – Costa Rica match. Then, at around 11:47 AM, 13 min to kick-off, I started to get all sorts of squirrelly, feeling trapped in my cube and desperately craving a TV so that I could watch the orgy of footie known as the World Cup.
So, I grabbed my laptop and headed downstairs to the bar/restaurant directly next door to my office. Luckily enough there was an unsecured signal available and here I am on cyberspace. Yeah, so I haven’t posted in what feels like months (but is really weeks). Yesterday, I cared but right now I don’t care. I have many posts stored in my brain, ones about topics like how the LIRR train announcements in Penn Station are now fully electronic (boo!) but those will have to wait. I’m watching soccer, I mean football damn it! England is playing at 9:00 AM tomorrow and I will be at a bar by 8:45. USA’s first match is on Monday. I cannot wait!