An Inconvient Truth opens this coming Friday, 5/26 and I for one cannot wait to see it, even though it may very well be “the most terrifying film you will ever see” as its producers claim. Wired and other media outlets have written alot lately about how Al Gore, freed from politics, is focusing all of his energies on facing the looming environmental disaster the globe is facing (he is the narrator of this documentary). The movie is supposed to be awe-inspiring, damning, scary, eye opening and whole bunch of other adjectives. I have pledged to not only see this movie (the site has a counter which tracks pledges) but to bring 3 others with me. In a sense, environmentalists are treating this the same way that Christians treated “The Passion of the Christ” and I for one think that its a good move as this movie’s message needs to be spread to as many people as possible.
Check out the trailer below and please, for our planet’s sake and for the sake of our children, grand children and all future generations, go and see this film. In 5 years, Kilimanjaro will no longer have an snow and Hemingway’s masterpiece becomes a true anachronism. He might as well called it “Hanging with the Dodo.” Truly Scary shit.
One thought on “An Inconvient Truth”
An Inconvenient Truth is an excellent presentation of the best available global warming science in an understandable and entertaining format. The only thing I found disturbing was the total neglect of nuclear energy as part of the solution. It is absolutely necessary to replace coal as the source of baseline power (i.e. power when the wind does not blow or the sun does not shine). Carbondioxide sequestration is far in the future (maybe) and if its economics are poor it will not in fact happen.
Many green people such as myself (see are coming around to realizing the above. Patric Moore, co-founder of Green Peace and James Lovelock, inventor of the Gaia hypothesis, are two notables. Lovelock has stated (in 2001) that the Greens will look back 50 years from now and see this as the time when they really blew it by being anti-nuclear.
There are now many safe nuclear options. Modern reactor designs can be made inherently safe (e.g. High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor). In the future, ADS designs (Accelerator Driven System – advocated by Carlo Rubia, physics Nobel laurate) will have the advantage that they cannot go critical, they can have a proliferation free fuel cycle (i.e. Thorium based) and they can burn up the most toxic waste from conventional nuclear reactors.
Though the nuclear waste issue is difficult, it is manageable. Reprocessing of cooled down waste from a properly designed ADS would yield less than 20 cubic yards of waste per year in America even if all our energy came from ADS. A small addition of depleted uranium (which is now used for armor piercing bullets in Iraq) would insure against the bred uranium being used in a terrorist bomb.
These problems are much more manageable than a burned out planet. Humanity and a healthy ecosystem can coexist if we make the right choices. Of course political domatism from fossil fuel interests or from uninformed Greens will result in disaster for all.