… our president of course. He is always winning great awards such as these. I first saw the photo below on Chris’s site and it has been much blogged about. I thought and still think it is hysterical. See for yourself below:
I didn’t want to post it because I wasn’t sure if it was real or not and if I was in a meeting with 180 other world leaders and needed to pee, I’m not sure what I would have done either. Then, Neu swooped in, unknowing, and sent me an article from Photo District News titled “Reuters Explains Photo Of Bush Bathroom Note” verifying it and voila! I love the statement that Reuters gave:
“The photographer and editors on this story were looking for other angles in their coverage of this event, something that went beyond the stock pictures of talking heads that these kind of forums usually offer. This picture certainly does that.”
Indeed. I don’t really has anything else to add on this one.
Via Chris and Neu