I just saw a face on Friendster that I haven’t seen in decades. I know her first name is Audrey because Friendster told me her first name is Audrey but I don’t know her last name. Her profile doesn’t list it and I cannot for the life of me remember what it is or was (maybe she’s married now). I think it’s one syllable. In fact, I wouldn’t have remembered her first name either if it wasn’t provided to me, which is sad because a long time ago she was a very important friend of mine. I remember she said one of the nicest things to me at one of my worst pre-teen and/or teenage moments, period. I had just asked someone out, that person said no and I was crushed, very unhappy and extremely angry. Right outside the back door of the canteen in Camp Lohikan’s rec hall, as it was slightly drizzling she said, while wearing a grey hooded zippered sweatshirt,
“One day, you are going to make a great husband.” It sounds like such a simple statement but to a deeply depressed 14 year old, it was incredibly profound and it made all the difference in the world. Obviously it had an impact on me because, all these years later, I still vividly remember it. When others rejected me later on in life I would go back to her words to brush off the hurt – this is true, not some concocted memory. Look at me about 13 years later – I have made someone a great husband. And I have a great wife too. Interesting how some things work out like that.
Man, not knowing her last name is really going to bug me. I had a big crush on her for a while too. I remember the first time I saw her I wanted, needed, to know her name. So, one day when I was waling down the big hill to the lake and she was in front of me, when she dropped her activity card, I picked it up to learn who she was and what bunk she was in. I thought that was a pretty sly move. Maybe that is why I remember that moment. I was 12 at the time.
At camp, we were very good friends. In fact, she was one of my best and truest female friends summer after summer. My crush on her was always there though, sometimes subtle and deep in the background, sometimes more pronounced though I don’t think she ever knew until I told her. I finally got up the nerve to ask her out once during the 4 summers we spent together. I thought I remembered exactly the “when” and “where” but the when is now fuzzy to me, because I thought it was during my last summer there, right before I left to go on a 3 day, 2 night hiking excursion through the Catskill Mountains. That can’t be right though because I was dating someone at the time (who I promptly broke up with when I returned from that trip – another story in itself). So, it must have been earlier in the summer, probably when I was striking out left and right with women. Regardless of when it was I remember where it was: by the pool, on the hill, close to the road. I said that if I didn’t ask her, I would always regret it and that I had to know how she felt about me. Her answer should be obvious – she said no in case it wasn’t to you. What the hell was her name?!
Memories to me are funny little things. They are mental snapshots of events that like regular photos fade over time. Different details fade faster than others though. I remember so many faces; I can immediately pull up some many images in my mind when thinking about camp but the names almost all escape me.
Here are some names that I don’t want to forget: Dave Lampert, David Lyon, Scott Gausling (who turned me onto both rock and rap), Doug Jenson (and his afternoon tea service), Ian Brassett (who turned me into a Man U supporter because he supported Arsenal and I wanted to annoy him), Marc Blum (who still has a pair of fatigues that I want back, though I saw him in a mosh pit in 1995 where he told me “they are now shorts!”), Michael Endes, Jeff Beitler, Todd and Adam Shapiro, Dave Sereata (sic), Greg Lyons, Richard Johnson (his dad was supposedly Dennis Johnson of the Celtics, not sure if that is true), Melanie Talesnick, Lindsey Melnick, Holly Something (Orians! – added 5/9/06), VJ Fallabella, Evan Ruane, JB Something, Rob Melnick (who, rumor had it, played with GI Joes naked on his bed), Tiny Something (his name wasn’t even Tiny, that was his nickname because he was so huge).
Man oh man, I can’t remember anyone’s name. The names above represent maybe 5% of the people I knew. I even went to the camp website just now – I have gotten that nostalgic. I even posted something on the camp message board. I may have to go to the Poconos this weekend now.
When I remember more names, I’ll add them as comments.
OR I’ll just add them to the post! The second I left work I remembered Audrey’s last name – Kessler! It just popped into my head as I headed east along 41st St towards the subway. In fact, I remembered that Audrey isn’t even the girl I was thinking of – Audrey is the girl I was thinking of’s younger sister who also attended Camp Lohikan! So, if you reread this post, please substitute Eden for Audrey. I mean, how can you forget a name like Eden? Well, I did, at least for a little bit. This investigation explains Audrey’s age being 23 (her sister Eden, my friend, is 26 and only one year younger) and why she looks like the girl I was thinking of but sort of not really. I am no longer annoyed. Happy Friday.
’06 UPDATE: I met both of them at a camp reunion in the summer of ’05. I joked about this post and found out that they hadn’t read it (though many others had – see my Summer Camp II post). I got to share the story above with them and it really made them smile. Then, afterwards Eden emailed me to say that she had read the post and that it really, really made her smile. What a great full circle moment. Ka is truly a wheel.
2 thoughts on “Summer Camp”
Some more people: Evan Belosa, a great friend of my friend Eric Baum (they met at Emory), was in the bunk next door to mine two years in a row though I barely remember him. Greg Graziano, a friend of my friend Adam Ginsberg (they know each other from home), was also in the bunk next door to mine two years in a row. I barely remember him as well, though I remember him more than I remember Evan. Mike Riehl (I think that was his last name) was in my bunk my first year there. He told us late one night that his step-sister had been murdered. He said she was older, she was 19. I had no idea how to react or what to say. To this day I still have no idea. I wasn’t even friends with him. I just remember him because he told me this immensely scary and personal story. It pops into my head at the oddest of times.
Some more ladies: Debbie Z-something, Wendy Glickman, Karen Kirschenblatt, Lauren Rook, Roxanne Oaken, Danielle Something, Crissy or Christy Something (blond, from Queens, I heard a rumor that she was Miss Teen New York once which may or may not have been true) and a few other ladies were all in bunk 34, which was to me at the time the epicenter of cool – older women! Wendy something from Glen Cove was someone who was at camp only 1 year I believe. I befriended her somehow, convinced her to end a bad relationship with a guy named Frank who wore a white hat all the time, briefly dated her and then took to the first half “prom” my 3rd year at camp, wrote to prodigeously because she wrote me these sugary sweet “I miss you sooooooooo much” letters which made me feel like da MAN, had a crush on for about 3 solid post camp years through high school and saw only once more, at Roosevelt Field Mall where I followed her around as she shopped and where we saw “Sleepless in Seattle” together.