
Super Hero Articles in time for the Great Pumpkin’s Arrival

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Just in time for the end of October dress-up day, here is some news related to two of the best comic book artists currently on the scene, Neil Gaiman and Alex Ross. Both are incredible in their own ways, one with words that paint lurid pictures, the other with pictures that defy words.

View the Slashdot post, which links to all sorts of goodies about our favorite Sandman creator Mr. Neil Gaiman here.

Read the article about Alex Ross here.

meeting ramblings

Untitled status meeting #1

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Keystone cops run around in a circle, around a conference table as many blank faces stare on. The clients sit baffled amid the talk – wondering why this is being discussed, why they are here, why this is happening, what thy did to deserve this role. The to-do list crawls along, inching like a worm, the time passing like slow drops on stone. I’m being worn away, my talents diminished by the elongation of time for I do not respond well to the rack, to being stretched out by all that is transpiring…


Coffee Coffee Everywhere

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I happened to be in a Starbucks using up a gift certificate I received for giving blood (the irony of giving a diuretic and most probably then a blood thinner to reward one for giving blood is not lost on me) and I picked up a brochure that listed all the Starbucks in the New York City area.

In total, all 5 boroughs have 152 Starbucks. Not as many as I thought but still, a pretty large number. Woe to Staten Island – they only have two! The Bronx is even worse off – they only have one!

Here is the breakdown:
Upper West Side = 14
Garment District = 12
Chelsea = 8
Staten Island = 2
Morningside Heights = 2
Brooklyn = 5
Queens = 10
SoHo & TriBeCa = 5
Theatre District = 5
Harlem & Washington Heights = 3
Financial District = 13
The Bronx = 1
Chinatown = 1
Upper East Side = 12
Greenwich Village = 7
Gramercy & Murray Hill = 11
Midtown West = 14
Midtown East = 27
TOTAL = 152
*** Most eye catching stat: Midtown East has 50% more Starbucks locations (27) than all of the outer boroughs combined (18).